Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Harvard Scientists Just Discovered Why Humans Burn Energy Like No Other Animal


Humans have a uniquely high metabolism compared to other mammals, including our primate relatives. This allows us to fuel our large brains, extended lifespans, and high physical activity levels without sacrificing resting metabolic rates. 

Humans have evolved an exceptionally high metabolic rate, unlike any other known animal. Unlike primates that conserve energy by being less active, humans can stay on the move thanks to sweating, which prevents overheating. This metabolic advantage may have been key to our evolutionary success.

Humans have significantly higher metabolic rates than other mammals, including our closest relatives—apes and chimpanzees—according to a new Harvard study. Researchers suggest that having both a high resting metabolism and an active one allowed our hunter-gatherer ancestors to gather enough food while also supporting larger brains, longer lifespans, and higher reproduction rates.

“Humans are off-the-charts different from any creature that we know of so far in terms of how we use energy,” said study co-author and paleoanthropologist Daniel Lieberman, the Edwin M. Lerner Professor of Biological Sciences in the Department of Human Evolutionary Biology.

Andrew Yegian and Daniel Lieberman. 
Credit: Dylan Goodman

The Energy Puzzle: How We Burn Calories Differently

Published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the study challenges the long-held belief that human and non-human primates have similar or even lower metabolic rates than expected for their body size.

Using a refined comparison method that accounts for body size, environmental temperature, and body fat, the researchers found that humans, unlike most mammals—including other primates—have evolved in a way that avoids the typical tradeoff between resting and active metabolism.

Why Chimps Are Couch Potatoes and Humans Keep Moving

Animals take in calories through food and, like a bank account, spend them on expenses mostly divided between two broad metabolic categories: resting and physical activity. In other primates, there is a distinct tradeoff between resting and active metabolic rates, which helps explain why chimpanzees, with their large brains, costly reproductive strategies, and lifespans, and thus high resting metabolisms, are “couch potatoes” who spend much of their day eating, said Lieberman.

Generally, the energy animals spend on metabolism ends up as heat, which is hard to dissipate in warm environments. Because of this tradeoff, animals such as chimpanzees who spend a great deal of energy on their resting metabolism and also inhabit warm, tropical environments, have to have low activity levels.

Comparisons of resting, active, and total metabolic quotients among various species and human populations, as defined by the Harvard researchers’ new method.
 Credit: Andrew Yegian

The Secret Weapon: Sweating for More Energy

“Humans have increased not only our resting metabolisms beyond what even chimpanzees and monkeys have, but — thanks to our unique ability to dump heat by sweating — we’ve also been able to increase our physical activity levels without lowering our resting metabolic rates,” said co-author Andrew Yegian, a senior researcher in Lieberman’s lab.

“The result is that we are an energetically unique species.”

How Our Bodies Became Metabolic Powerhouses

The team’s analysis shows that monkeys and apes evolved to invest about 30 to 50 percent more calories in their resting metabolic rates than other mammals of the same size, and that humans have taken this to a further extreme, investing 60 percent more calories than similar-sized mammals.

“We started off questioning if it was possible that humans and other primates could have comparatively low total metabolic rates, which other researchers had proposed,” Yegian said. “We tried to come up with a better way to analyze it using quotients. That’s when we hit the accelerator.”

What’s Next? Studying Metabolism in the Modern World

The research team — which includes collaborators at Louisiana’s Pennington Biomedical Research Center and the University of Kiel in Germany — plans to further investigate metabolic differences among human populations. For example, subsistence farmers who grow all the food they eat without the help of machines have significantly higher physical activity levels than both hunter-gatherers and people in industrial environments like Americans. However, all human populations, regardless of activity levels, spend similar amounts of energy for their body size on their resting metabolic rates.

“What we’re really interested in is variation among humans in metabolic rates, especially in today’s world of increasing technology and lower levels of physical activity,” said Yegian. “Since we evolved to be active, how does having a desk job change our metabolism in ways that affect health?”

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The birth of modern Man

'Missing' Planet to Join a Rare Cosmic Lineup This Week


(WestWindGraphics/Getty Images)

One planet was missing from the sunset lineup… until now.

Perhaps you've seen the news headlines admonishing sky watchers to 'See All Naked Eye Planets … at Once!' in January. While this was basically true, it was also missing one key player: Mercury.

This week, the swift inner planet joins the scene at dusk.

It's certainly rare to see all the planets in the Solar System in one sweep. This sort of lineup depends mainly on slow moving Jupiter and Saturn, which have parted ways since the rare conjunction of the two on December 21st, 2020.

The planetary lineup on February 22, looking westward, up to the zenith.

A Planetary Dusk Tour

Seeing all the naked eye planets at once is set to become a rarity in coming years.

In any event, here's a tour of the planets at dusk for the remainder of February into early March from the inner Solar System outward, with ready-made star party facts for each:

Fresh off solar conjunction on February 9th, the vigil is now on the week to recover Mercury low to the west after sunset. If you've never crossed elusive Mercury off of your astronomical 'life list,' now is the time to try, using brilliant Venus as a guide.

Mercury passes 1.5 degrees north of Saturn on February 25th, and the waxing crescent Moon joins the scene on February 28th, and occults Mercury on March 1st for Hawai'i and the Pacific.

Though the oft-told tale that astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus never saw Mercury is probably apocryphal, it does speak to just how elusive the fleeting world is. Mercury reaches greatest elongation for the first of six times in 2025 on March 8th, 18 degrees east of the Sun shining at magnitude -0.35 and displaying a half illuminated disk in the telescope, just 7″ across.

Moon versus Mercury, looking westward at dusk on February 28. (Stellarium)

The crescent Moon then passes 5.7 degrees south of Venus on March 2nd, marking a good time to see the two in the daytime. Fun fact this President's Day week: attendants of Lincoln's second inauguration on March 4th 1865 actually noticed the Venus in the daytime sky as the midday clouds cleared.

A Planetary Race

Venus and Mercury both go on to race each other towards inferior conjunction next month, passing the Sun just 24 hours apart on March 23 and 24th. Both will then reemerge into the dawn sky in late March.

Spotting Venus through inferior conjunction is tricky but not impossible, as the -4.2 magnitude slender 1% crescent passes just over 8 degrees north of the Sun at its closest. Be sure to try this feat visual athletics before sunrise, or after sunset.

Into the Outer Solar System

Mars leads up the back of the pack, shining at -0.58 magnitude in Gemini the Twins. Look for ruddy Mars high to the east at dusk, fresh off of opposition on January 16th. The waxing gibbous Moon meets up with Mars on March 9th. NASA's ESCAPADE Mars mission is set to launch for the Red Planet this year.

Onward and outward, Jupiter rides high to the south in Taurus the Bull at dusk. The waxing near First Quarter Moon meets Jupiter on March 6th, and the planet reaches quadrature 90 degrees east) of the Sun on March 2nd.

The planetary lineup on February 22nd, looking westward, up to the zenith. 

Danish astronomer Ole Rømer noticed that predictions for phenomena for Jupiter's moons (transits, ingress/egress times, etc) were off from opposition versus quadrature, and correctly deduced it was because the time it took light to traverse the two different distances was not factored in.

Sometimes, scientific inspiration doesn't stem as much from a 'eureka!' moment, but simply from a patient observer saying 'that's funny…'

Meanwhile, the outermost of the classical planets presents a challenge, as Saturn sits in the murk low to the west.

Once you've found Mercury, sweep the horizon with binoculars and scoop up +1.1 magnitude Saturn, just over three times fainter than Mercury. The rings of Saturn pass edge on as seen from our Earthly vantage point on March 23rd, just two weeks after solar conjunction.

The shrinking tilt of Saturn's rings, from 2016 to 2024.
 (Roger Hutchison)

…And Something More

Finally, completists will want to also pick off the outer ice giant worlds Uranus and Neptune. +5.8 magnitude Uranus is an easy binocular catch in Taurus (not far from Jupiter), while +7.8 magnitude Neptune is more of a challenge, hanging out in the murk low to the horizon with Mercury and Saturn in Pisces the Fishes.

Uranus' current position in Taurus.

Both planets have the distinction of being discovered in the telescopic era, and Neptune is the only planet discovered using the power of math and deduction.

Neptune's current position in Pisces at dusk. (Stellarium)

The celestial drama sorts itself out in March, with Saturn leaving the scene and Mercury and Venus reappearing in the dawn sky.

But hey, we have the first of two eclipse seasons for 2025 coming right up next month, with a partial solar eclipse on March 29th and a total lunar eclipse on 14th.

Let's hope that the fickle Spring weather cooperates. Good skywatching, and clear skies in your planetary quest.

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The Life of Earth

Arctic Cyclones: Scientists May Have Just Found the Missing Piece in Arctic Ice Decline

BY U. OF OKLAHOMA, FEB. 18, 2025

A new study explores the link between Arctic cyclones and rapid sea ice loss, potentially improving climate models. The research suggests that cyclones accelerate ice melt through wave-driven fragmentation and upwelling of warmer water, with implications for better forecasting and Arctic navigation. (Artist’s concept). 

Arctic cyclones may be accelerating sea ice loss by breaking ice into smaller pieces and driving upwelling of warm water. A study links these storms to rapid ice depletion and suggests that tropopause polar vortices could improve cyclone forecasting.

A study published in Nature Communications Earth & Environment explores why climate models have underestimated Arctic sea ice loss and the role of Arctic cyclones in this process. Led by Steven Cavallo, a meteorology professor at the University of Oklahoma, the research could improve weather and climate models, leading to more accurate Arctic cyclone forecasts.

Since 1979, Arctic sea ice extent—the area of the Arctic Ocean covered by ice—has shrunk by 40% during late summer. However, global climate models have consistently underestimated this decline. The study focuses on “very rapid sea ice loss events” (VRILEs), periods of accelerated ice loss lasting between 5 and 18 days. The long-term decline in Arctic sea ice is the result of multiple VRILEs occurring over time.

Cavallo’s publication suggests that Arctic cyclones are at least partially to blame. Arctic cyclones are weather phenomena that are tricky to predict and even trickier to incorporate into models. Though the exact mechanisms of why these cyclones may accelerate the ice loss are not fully understood, Cavallo suggests two theories.

How Arctic Cyclones Accelerate Ice Loss

The first is the interaction of turbulent seas with ice.

“If the winds get strong and the ice is thin enough, [the cyclone] can create waves that break the larger ice floes. Breaking them up into smaller ice floes accelerates the melting; it can happen at a really fast time scale,” he said.

The second theory is that upwelling, the mixing of warmer water below the sea’s surface with cooler waters at the surface, increases temperatures that help melt the younger, thinner ice from below in a short amount of time.

Observations of these events and their effects are difficult. Ships avoid forecasted storms, and a plane could not fly into an Arctic cyclone close enough to the ocean’s surface to collect data on upwelling or wave–ice interactions.

The Role of Cyclone Location and Tropopause Polar Vortices

Cavallo says they’ve discovered that cyclones have to be in the right place to make such a drastic difference to the sea ice extent, needing to occur over an area of thin ice that is usually no more than a year old.

The research also suggests a connection between Arctic cyclones and tropopause polar vortices, or circulation in the upper troposphere over the polar regions.

Cavallo said tropopause polar vortices are sometimes present for months before an Arctic cyclone forms, while Arctic cyclones are usually only predicted several days in advance. Because the vortices are present so far ahead of a cyclone, they could lead to better forecasts of cyclones. This would benefit residents in areas such as Alaska, northern Canada, and Greenland and aid the shipping industry, which has made increased use of the Arctic as ice continues to recede.

“Now that we think these processes are occurring, the question is how do we get that information into the models so that we can get better predictions,” said Cavallo. “It’s a hard task.”

Cavallo says that the broader scientific community is still unsure when the Arctic will become ice-free, but that looming lack of ice could significantly impact large-scale atmospheric dynamics throughout the Northern Hemisphere.

“We’re still trying to figure out exactly how sea ice changes will affect any of the extreme weather that is happening right now.”

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Tuesday, 18 February 2025

A century of extra carbon dioxide boosts photosynthesis in tropical trees

FEB. 17, 2025, by Wageningen U.

Credit: Wageningen University

The concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is rising rapidly, with numerous negative consequences for the climate. However, there is also a positive effect, as scientists from WUR have discovered: for the past century, the extra CO2 has led to more efficient photosynthesis in tropical trees.

This is good news, as more efficient tropical forests can absorb more CO2, helping to slow down climate change. This finding comes from a new research method that allows scientists to analyze the effects of CO2 up to 100 years into the past.

For the study, scientists collected wood samples from red cedar trees in Australia, Thailand, and Bangladesh using a hollow drill. This drill extracts a cylindrical piece of wood from the tree, revealing its tree rings. The research is published in the journal New Phytologist.

"From such a sample, you can not only tell how much the tree has grown, but it also acts as a kind of time capsule, showing how the tree functioned in a particular year," explains Sophie Zwartsenberg, lead author of the study. "That information is encoded in the chemical composition of the wood, which we analyzed in detail."

Carbon, oxygen, and sugar

Using chemical analyses of tree rings, the researchers were able to determine how efficiently trees have produced sugars through photosynthesis over the past century. Sugars are the primary energy source for trees and plants in general. Without sugars, a tree cannot grow or survive.

Photosynthesis depends on the amount of CO2 in the air. When CO2 levels are low, the enzyme responsible for capturing CO2 makes mistakes more often and accidentally binds to oxygen (O₂) instead.

Studying long-term Ca-induced shifts in photosynthetic efficiency (photorespiration/photosynthesis) using the ratio of D6S and D6R glucose isotopomers. 
Credit: New Phytologist (2025). DOI: 10.1111/nph.20358

"You can compare it to a bag of marbles," says Ph.D. candidate Zwartsenberg. "If there are many CO2 balls mixed in with the oxygen, the enzyme is more likely to pick CO2. But if it fails and grabs oxygen instead, the tree wastes energy without producing any sugar. This process is called photorespiration and is different from photosynthesis."

An increase in photosynthesis is beneficial for trees, as the extra sugars can be used for maintenance and growth. It is also beneficial for humans, as trees with higher photosynthesis rates remove more CO2 from the air.

The chemical analyses conducted by the team were developed at a Swedish university. There, it was demonstrated that sugar molecules formed via photosynthesis (after binding with CO2) have a slightly different structure than sugars formed after photorespiration (binding with O2). This is measured using a massive device that analyzes wood chips with magnetic fields.

Zwartsenberg explains, "It's like a giant MRI machine."

A century of increasing efficiency

By measuring the shape of sugar molecules in tree rings using magnetic fields, the researchers showed a clear increase in the efficiency of photosynthesis. The team also found that smaller trees are more efficient than larger ones.

"This is the first time we have been able to demonstrate the effect of extra CO2 in mature trees that have grown under natural conditions," says Wageningen professor and co-author Pieter Zuidema.

"Positive CO2 effects on photosynthesis have long been known from greenhouse studies on small plants. The fact that the balance between photosynthesis and photorespiration has shifted toward photosynthesis means that tropical forests have been producing more sugars for a century. The question remains, however, where the trees have invested those extra sugars. Other research suggests that, in most cases, they do not form wider tree rings. This would be a next step."

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Animals as architects of the Earth: First global study reveals their surprising impact

Feb. 17, 2025, by Queen Mary, U. of London

Mounds created by yellow meadow ants, Hertfordshire, UK. 
Credit: Gemma Harvey, Queen Mary University of London

Animals are not just inhabitants of the natural world—they are its architects. A new study led by Professor Gemma Harvey from Queen Mary University of London has revealed how hundreds of species shape the landscapes we depend on, from vast termite mounds visible from space to hippos carving drainage systems and beavers creating entire wetlands.

Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, this first-of-its-kind global synthesis identifies 603 species, genera, or families that influence Earth's surface processes. From tiny ants shifting soil to salmon reshaping riverbeds, the study highlights the diversity and scale of animals' impact across all freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems.

By estimating the collective energy of these "natural engineers," the research shows that their geomorphic contributions rival those of hundreds of thousands of major floods.

Key insights from the study:

Unexpected diversity: Beyond iconic examples like beavers and salmon, the study identifies hundreds of species—including insects, mammals, fish, birds, and reptiles—that shape landscapes in remarkable ways.

Freshwater ecosystems in focus: Despite covering just 2.4% of the planet's surface, freshwater habitats host over a third of these remarkable species.

Impressive energy output: Animals collectively contribute at least 76,000 gigajoules of energy annually to shaping the Earth's surface—a figure comparable to hundreds of thousands of extreme floods. This estimate is likely conservative, as significant knowledge gaps exist, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions where biodiversity is highest but research is limited.

Fascinating examples: Termites build vast networks of mounds in Brazil, some covering thousands of square kilometers, while salmon spawning can shift as much sediment as annual flooding. Even ants, through their tiny but countless actions, alter soil structure and drainage.

A floodplain wetland created by Eurasian beaver in the River Otter catchment, Devon UK.
 Credit: Gemma Harvey, Queen Mary University of London

Professor Harvey explains, "This research shows that the role of animals in shaping Earth's landscapes is much more significant than previously recognized. From beavers creating wetlands to ants building mounds of soil, these diverse natural processes are crucial, yet we risk losing them as biodiversity declines."

Nearly 30% of the identified species are rare, endemic, or threatened, meaning vital geomorphic processes could cease before their full significance is understood. This loss could have profound consequences for ecosystems and the landscapes they support.

This research provides new insights for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration. Rewilding and species reintroduction projects, such as the reintroduction of beavers to restore wetlands, show how harnessing these natural processes could help combat environmental challenges like erosion and flooding.

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The Life of Earth

Sweet taste receptors in the heart: A new pathway for cardiac regulation

FEB. 17, 2025, by Biophysical Society

Human heart. 
Credit: copyright American Heart Association

In a surprising discovery, scientists have found that the heart possesses "sweet taste" receptors, similar to those on our tongues, and that stimulating these receptors with sweet substances can modulate the heartbeat. This research opens new avenues for understanding heart function and potentially for developing novel treatments for heart failure.

While taste receptors are traditionally associated with the tongue and our ability to perceive flavors, recent studies have shown that these receptors exist in other parts of the body, where they likely play different roles.

This new study is the first to identify specific "sweet taste" receptors, known as TAS1R2 and TAS1R3, on the surface of heart muscle cells. The work was presented at the 69th Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, held February 15–19, 2025 in Los Angeles.

The new research found that these receptors are not just present on heart muscle, but also functional. When the researchers stimulated these receptors in both human and mouse heart cells using aspartame, a common artificial sweetener, they observed a significant increase in the force of heart muscle contraction and accelerated calcium handling – key processes for a healthy heartbeat.

"After you eat a meal, it's been shown that your heart rate and blood pressure actually are increasing," said Micah Yoder, a graduate student in the lab of Jonathan Kirk at Loyola University Chicago.

"Previously, this was thought to be a neural axis that's being signaled. But we're proposing a more direct consequence, where we have a spike in our blood sugar after eating a meal, and that's binding to these sweet taste receptors on the heart muscle cells, causing a difference in the heartbeat," he added.

Intriguingly, the researchers also found that these receptors are more abundant in the hearts of patients with heart failure, suggesting a possible link to disease. Further investigation revealed that stimulating the receptors triggers a cascade of molecular events within the heart cells, involving key proteins that control calcium flow and muscle contraction.

"During heart failure, the heart is changing its energetic landscape and prioritizing glucose uptake and glucose usage. So, it's possible that during this energetic change, the heart might need to change its nutrient sensing abilities to accommodate this switch," Yoder explained.

Additionally, their research may explain why high consumption of artificially sweetened beverages is linked to arrhythmogenesis, or an irregular heartbeat. Not only are these sweet taste receptors particularly stimulated by artificial sweeteners like aspartame, Yoder noted, he found that overstimulation of these sweet taste receptors leads to an increase in arrhythmic-like behavior in the heart cells.

But further research is needed to fully understand the long-term effects of stimulating these receptors in the heart as well as how these receptors might be targeted to strengthen the heart in the case of heart failure.

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The Life of Earth

Monday, 17 February 2025

Meditation And Mindfulness Can Have a Dark Side That We Don't Talk About


(guruXOOX/Canva Pro)

Since mindfulness is something you can practice at home for free, it often sounds like the perfect tonic for stress and mental health issues.

Mindfulness is a type of Buddhist-based meditation in which you focus on being aware of what you're sensing, thinking, and feeling in the present moment.

The first recorded evidence for this, found in India, is over 1,500 years old. The Dharmatrāta Meditation Scripture, written by a community of Buddhists, describes various practices and includes reports of symptoms of depression and anxiety that can occur after meditation.

It also details cognitive anomalies associated with episodes of psychosis, dissociation, and depersonalisation (when people feel the world is "unreal").

In the past eight years there has been a surge of scientific research in this area. These studies show that adverse effects are not rare.

A 2022 study, using a sample of 953 people in the US who meditated regularly, showed that over 10 percent of participants experienced adverse effects which had a significant negative impact on their everyday life and lasted for at least one month.

According to a review of over 40 years of research that was published in 2020, the most common adverse effects are anxiety and depression. These are followed by psychotic or delusional symptoms, dissociation or depersonalisation, and fear or terror.

Research also found that adverse effects can happen to people without previous mental health problems, to those who have only had a moderate exposure to meditation and they can lead to long-lasting symptoms.

The western world has also had evidence about these adverse effects for a long time.

In 1976, Arnold Lazarus, a key figure in the cognitive-behavioural science movement, said that meditation, when used indiscriminately, could induce "serious psychiatric problems such as depression, agitation, and even schizophrenic decompensation".

There is evidence that mindfulness can benefit people's wellbeing. The problem is that mindfulness coaches, videos, apps and books rarely warn people about the potential adverse effects.

Professor of management and ordained Buddhist teacher Ronald Purser wrote in his 2023 book McMindfulness that mindfulness has become a kind of "capitalist spirituality".

In the US alone, meditation is worth US$2.2 billion (£1.7 billion). And the senior figures in the mindfulness industry should be aware of the problems with meditation.

Jon Kabat-Zinn, a key figure behind the mindfulness movement, admitted in a 2017 interview with the Guardian that "90 percent of the research [into the positive impacts] is subpar".

In his foreword to the 2015 UK Mindfulness All-Party Parliamentary Report, Jon Kabat-Zinn suggests that mindfulness meditation can eventually transform "who we are as human beings and individual citizens, as communities and societies, as nations, and as a species".

This religious-like enthusiasm for the power of mindfulness to change not only individual people but the course of humanity is common among advocates. Even many atheists and agnostics who practice mindfulness believe that this practice has the power to increase peace and compassion in the world.

Media discussion of mindfulness has also been somewhat imbalanced.

In 2015, my book with clinical psychologist Catherine Wikholm, Buddha Pill, included a chapter summarising the research on meditation adverse effects. It was widely disseminated by the media, including a New Scientist article, and a BBC Radio 4 documentary.

But there was little media coverage in 2022 of the most expensive study in the history of meditation science (over US$8 million funded by research charity the Wellcome Trust).

The study tested more than 8,000 children (aged 11-14) across 84 schools in the UK from 2016 to 2018. Its results showed that mindfulness failed to improve the mental wellbeing of children compared to a control group, and may even have had detrimental effects on those who were at risk of mental health problems.

(Monkey Business Images/Canva Pro)

Ethical implications

Is it ethical to sell mindfulness apps, teach people meditation classes, or even use mindfulness in clinical practice without mentioning its adverse effects? Given the evidence of how varied and common these effects are, the answer should be no.

However, many meditation and mindfulness instructors believe that these practices can only do good and don't know about the potential for adverse effects.

The most common account I hear from people who have suffered adverse meditation effects is that the teachers don't believe them. They're usually told to just keep meditating and it will go away.

Research about how to safely practice meditation has only recently begun, which means there isn't yet clear advice to give people. There is a wider problem in that meditation deals with unusual states of consciousness and we don't have psychological theories of mind to help us understand these states.

But there are resources people can use to learn about these adverse effects. These include websites produced by meditators who experienced serious adverse effects and academic handbooks with dedicated sections to this topic.

In the US there is a clinical service dedicated to people who have experienced acute and long term problems, led by a mindfulness researcher.

For now, if meditation is to be used as a wellbeing or therapeutic tool, the public needs to be informed about its potential for harm.

Miguel Farias, Associate Professor in Experimental Psychology, Coventry University

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The birth of modern Man

Near-complete skull discovery reveals 'top apex,' leopard-sized carnivore

FEB. 17, 2025, by Taylor & Francis

Artwork of how Bastetodon likely appeared. 
Credit: Ahmad Morsi

A rare discovery of a nearly complete skull in the Egyptian desert has led scientists to the "dream" revelation of a new 30-million-year-old species of the ancient apex predatory carnivore, Hyaenodonta.

Bearing sharp teeth and powerful jaw muscles, suggesting a strong bite, the newly-identified "Bastetodon" was a leopard-sized "fearsome" mammal. It would have been at the top of all carnivores and the food chain when our own monkey-like ancestors were evolving.

Findings, published in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, detail how this ferocious creature would have likely preyed on primates, early hippos, early elephants, and hyraxes in the lush forest of Fayum, Egypt, which is now home to a desert.

Describing the discovery, paleontologist and lead author Shorouq Al-Ashqar, from Mansoura University and the American University in Cairo, says, "For days, the team meticulously excavated layers of rock dating back around 30 million years.

"Just as we were about to conclude our work, a team member spotted something remarkable —a set of large teeth sticking out of the ground. His excited shout brought the team together, marking the beginning of an extraordinary discovery: a nearly complete skull of an ancient apex carnivore, a dream for any vertebrate paleontologist."

Bastetodon belongs to a species in an extinct group of carnivorous mammals called hyaenodonts. Hyaenodonts evolved long before modern-day carnivores such as cats, dogs, and hyenas. These predators with hyena-like teeth hunted in African ecosystems after the extinction of the dinosaurs.

Prof. Sallam, the senior author and a Sallam Lab team member during the discovery expedition. 
Credit: Professor Hesham Sallam

The team—who go under the title "Sallam Lab"—named the specimen after the cat-headed ancient Egyptian goddess Bastet, who symbolized protection, pleasure, and good health. The name acknowledges the region where the specimen was found, famous for its fossils and Ancient Egyptian artifacts. The name is also a nod to the short, cat-like snout and teeth of this fearsome, leopard-sized carnivore (-odon means tooth).

Its skull was unearthed on Sallam Lab's expedition to the Fayum Depression, an area where digs reveal an important time window into about 15 million years of evolutionary history of mammals in Africa. This timespan not only captures the transition from the Eocene's global warming to the Oligocene's global cooling, but also reveals how these climate shifts played a crucial role in shaping ecosystems that we still see today.

Beyond just a new ancient creature discovery, the finding of Bastetodon has already allowed the research team to reevaluate a group of lion-sized hyaenodonts that was discovered in the rocks of the Fayum over 120 years ago.

In their paper, the team also construct the genus Sekhmetops to describe this century-old material and to honor Sekhmet, the lion-headed goddess of wrath and war in ancient Egyptian mythology (-ops means face).

In 1904, Sekhmetops was placed within a European group of hyaenodonts. The team demonstrated that Bastetodon and Sekhmetops both belonged to a group of hyaenodonts that actually originated in Africa. In ancient Egypt, Bastet was often associated with Sekhmet, making the two genera scientifically and symbolically connected.

The study demonstrates the relatives of Bastetodon and Sekhmetops spread from Africa in multiple waves, eventually making it to Asia, Europe, India, and North America. By 18 million years ago, some relatives of these hyaenodonts were among the largest mammalian meat-eaters to ever walk the planet.

Shorouq Al-Ashqar, the lead author, with the Bastetodon syrtos skull and a Bastet statue.
 Credit: Professor Hesham Sallam

However, cataclysmic changes in global climate and tectonic changes in Africa opened the continent to the relatives of modern cats, dogs, and hyenas. As environments and prey changed, the specialized, carnivorous hyaenodonts diminished in diversity, finally going extinct and leaving our primate relatives to face a new set of antagonists.

"The discovery of Bastetodon is a significant achievement in understanding the diversity and evolution of hyaenodonts and their global distribution," Shorouq adds.

"We are eager to continue our research to unravel the intricate relationships between these ancient predators and their environments over time and across continents."

Concluding, co-author Dr. Matt Borths, Curator of Fossils at the Duke Lemur Center Museum of Natural History at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, says, "The Fayum is one of the most important fossil areas in Africa. Without it, we would know very little about the origins of African ecosystems and the evolution of African mammals like elephants, primates, and hyaenodonts.

"Paleontologists have been working in the Fayum for over a century, but the Sallam Lab demonstrated there is more to discover in this remarkable region."

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The Life of Earth

No More Needles: Stanford Scientists Create a Painless, Living Vaccine You Rub on Your Skin


Findings in mice by Stanford University scientists could translate into a radical, needle-free vaccination approach that would also eliminate reactions including fever, swelling, and pain.

Stanford scientists discovered that a harmless skin bacterium triggers a powerful immune response. By tweaking a bacterial protein, they turned it into a living vaccine, training the immune system to fight diseases like tetanus and diphtheria.

Mice given this bioengineered bacterium developed strong immunity, surviving lethal toxin doses. With human trials on the horizon, this could revolutionize vaccination—topical, painless, and highly effective.

A Future Without Needles?

Imagine a world where getting vaccinated is as simple as rubbing a cream onto your skin—no needles, no pain, and no unpleasant side effects like fever, swelling, or soreness. No long lines at the clinic, and best of all, it’s affordable.

Thanks to researchers at Stanford University, that future may be closer than we think. By harnessing a common skin bacterium found on nearly everyone, scientists are exploring a revolutionary approach to vaccination.

“We all hate needles — everybody does,” said Michael Fischbach, PhD, the Liu (Liao) Family Professor and a professor of bioengineering. “I haven’t found a single person who doesn’t like the idea that it’s possible to replace a shot with a cream.”
The Overlooked Role of Skin Bacteria

Surprisingly, the human skin is a harsh environment for most microbes, according to Fischbach. “It’s incredibly dry, way too salty for most single-celled creatures and there’s not much to eat. I can’t imagine anything would want to live there.”

But a few hardy microbes call it home. Among them is Staphylococcus epidermidis, a generally harmless skin-colonizing bacterial species.

“These bugs reside on every hair follicle of virtually every person on the planet,” Fischbach said.

Immunologists have perhaps neglected our skin-colonizing bacteria, Fischbach said, because they don’t seem to contribute much to our well-being. “We’ve just assumed there’s not much going on there.”

That turns out to be wrong. In recent years, Fischbach and his colleagues have discovered that the immune system mounts a much more aggressive response against S. epidermidis than anyone expected.

In a study published recently in Nature, Fischbach and his colleagues zeroed in on a key aspect of the immune response — the production of antibodies. These specialized proteins can stick to specific biochemical features of invading microbes, often preventing them from getting inside of cells or traveling unmolested through the bloodstream to places they should not go. Individual antibodies are extremely picky about what they stick to. Each antibody molecule typically targets a particular biochemical feature belonging to a single microbial species or strain.

Fischbach and postdoctoral scholar Djenet Bousbaine, PhD, respectively the study’s senior and lead author, and their colleagues wanted to know: Would the immune system of a mouse, whose skin isn’t normally colonized by S. epidermidis, mount an antibody response to that microorganism if it were to turn up there?

(Antibody) Levels Without a Cause?

The initial experiments, performed by Bousbaine, were simple: Dip a cotton swab into a vial containing S. epidermidis. Rub the swab gently on the head of a normal mouse — no need to shave, rinse, or wash its fur — and put the mouse back in its cage. Draw blood at defined time points over the next six weeks, asking: Has this mouse’s immune system produced any antibodies that bind to S. epidermidis?

The mice’s antibody response to S. epidermidis was “a shocker,” Fischbach said. “Those antibodies’ levels increased slowly, then some more — and then even more.” At six weeks, they’d reached a higher concentration than one would expect from a regular vaccination — and they stayed at those levels.
Antibodies as a Built-in Defense

“It’s as if the mice had been vaccinated,” Fischbach said. Their antibody response was just as strong and specific as if it had been reacting to a pathogen.

“The same thing appears to be occurring naturally in humans,” Fischbach said. “We got blood from human donors and found that their circulating levels of antibodies directed at S. epidermidis were as high as anything we get routinely vaccinated against.”

That’s puzzling, he said: “Our ferocious immune response to these commensal bacteria loitering on the far side of that all-important anti-microbial barrier we call our skin seems to have no purpose.”

What’s going on? It could boil down to a line scrawled by early-20th-century poet Robert Frost: “Good fences make good neighbors.” Most people have thought that fence was the skin, Fischbach said. But it’s far from perfect. Without help from the immune system, it would be breached very quickly.

“The best fence is those antibodies. They’re the immune system’s way of protecting us from the inevitable cuts, scrapes, nicks, and scratches we accumulate in our daily existence,” he said.

While the antibody response to an infectious pathogen begins only after the pathogen invades the body, the response to S. epidermidis happens preemptively, before there’s any problem. That way, the immune system can respond if necessary — say, when there’s a skin break and the normally harmless bug climbs in and tries to thumb a ride through our bloodstream.

Engineering a Living Vaccine

Step by step, Fischbach’s team turned S. epidermidis into a living, plug-and-play vaccine that can be applied topically. They learned that the part of S. epidermidis most responsible for tripping off a powerful immune response is a protein called Aap. This great, treelike structure, five times the size of an average protein, protrudes from the bacterial cell wall. They think it might expose some of its outermost chunks to sentinel cells of the immune system that periodically crawl through the skin, sample hair follicles, snatch snippets of whatever is flapping in Aap’s “foliage,” and spirit them back inside to show to other immune cells responsible for cooking up an appropriate antibody response aiming at that item.

(Fischbach is a co-author of a study led by Yasmine Belkaid, PhD, director of the Pasteur Institute and a co-author of the Fischbach team’s study, which will appear in the same issue of Nature. This companion study identifies the sentinel immune cells, called Langerhans cells, that alert the rest of the immune system to the presence of S. epidermidis on the skin.)

Triggering Immunity in New Ways

Aap induces a jump in not only blood-borne antibodies known to immunologists as IgG, but also other antibodies, called IgA, that home in on the mucosal linings of our nostrils and lungs.

“We’re eliciting IgA in mice’s nostrils,” Fischbach said. “Respiratory pathogens responsible for the common cold, flu and COVID-19 tend to get inside our bodies through our nostrils. Normal vaccines can’t prevent this. They go to work only once the pathogen gets into the blood. It would be much better to stop it from getting in in the first place.”

Having identified Aap as the antibodies’ main target, the scientists looked for a way to put it to work.

“Djenet did some clever engineering,” Fischbach said. “She substituted the gene encoding a piece of tetanus toxin for the gene fragment encoding a component that normally gets displayed in this giant treelike protein’s foliage. Now it’s this fragment — a harmless chunk of a highly toxic bacterial protein — that’s waving in the breeze.” Would the mice’s immune systems “see” it and develop a specific antibody response to it?

Proof of Concept: Real Protection

The investigators repeated the dip-then-swab experiment, this time using either unaltered S. epidermidis or bioengineered S. epidermidis encoding the tetanus toxin fragment. They administered several applications over six weeks. The mice swabbed with bioengineered S. epidermidis, but not the others, developed extremely high levels of antibodies targeting tetanus toxin. When the researchers then injected the mice with lethal doses of tetanus toxin, mice given natural S. epidermidis all succumbed; the mice that received the modified version remained symptom-free.

A similar experiment, in which the researchers snapped the gene for diphtheria toxin instead of the one for tetanus toxin into the Aap “cassette player,” likewise induced massive antibody concentrations targeting the diphtheria toxin.

The scientists eventually found they could still get life-saving antibody responses in mice after only two or three applications.

They also showed, by colonizing very young mice with S. epidermidis, that the bacteria’s prior presence on these mice’s skin (as is typical in humans but not mice) didn’t interfere with the experimental treatment’s ability to spur a potent antibody response. This implies, Fischbach said, that our species’ virtually 100% skin colonization by S. epidermidis should pose no problem to the construct’s use in people.

No Limits in Sight

In a change of tactics, the researchers generated the tetanus-toxin fragment in a bioreactor, then chemically stapled it to Aap so it dotted S. epidermidis‘s surface. To Fischbach’s surprise, this turned out to generate a surprisingly powerful antibody response. Fischbach had initially reasoned that the surface-stapled toxin’s abundance would get ever more diluted with each bacterial division, gradually muting the immune response. Just the opposite occurred. Topical application of this bug generated enough antibodies to protect mice from six times the lethal dose of tetanus toxin.

Looking Ahead to Human Trials

“We know it works in mice,” Fischbach said. “Next, we need to show it works in monkeys. That’s what we’re going to do.” If things go well, he expects to see this vaccination approach enter clinical trials within two or three years.

“We think this will work for viruses, bacteria, fungi and one-celled parasites,” he said. “Most vaccines have ingredients that stimulate an inflammatory response and make you feel a little sick. These bugs don’t do that. We expect that you wouldn’t experience any inflammation at all.”

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The Life of Earth

Sunday, 16 February 2025

Chuck's photo corner to Feb. 16, 2025 , 💖😬

Snow, snow and more snow and another foot of the white stuff falls today. Made the drive home last evening quite the ride. The visual effects of driving in a snow storm at night are amazing, and high beam headlights, well just stunning, (and impossible). 

Rachelle out for a walk (snowshoe) on the wild side.

The back yard

after the first big snow this week

This stream still provides us with our household water

Winter the season of sparkles and shadows.

Thursday's snow

one of the many black capped chick-a-dees about

looking out the office window

a clear day between snow falls, but starting at -29c burrr

The layers of Life opening for our pleasure

Enjoy the day


Scientists Just Made Cancer Radiation Therapy Smarter, Safer, and More Precise


Immune proteins (purple) hold KRAS-sotorasib (yellow hexagons) at the surface of a tumor cell (orange). An antibody (green) carrying radioactivity (yellow halo) detects KRAS-sotorasib and grabs onto it, destroying the tumor cell.
 Credit: André Luiz Lourenço

Scientists at UC San Francisco have developed a revolutionary cancer treatment that precisely targets tumors with radiation while sparing healthy tissues.

By using a KRAS-targeting drug to mark cancer cells and attaching a radioactive antibody to eliminate them, this approach has successfully wiped out tumors in mice without the usual side effects of radiation.

Targeted Radiation: A Breakthrough in Cancer Treatment

Radiation is one of the most powerful tools for destroying tumors, but traditional radiation therapy can’t distinguish between cancerous and healthy cells, often causing harmful side effects.

Now, researchers at UC San Francisco have developed a way to make radiation more precise. Their new approach combines a specialized drug that marks cancer cells with a radioactive antibody that directly targets and destroys them.

In studies on mice, this treatment successfully eliminated bladder and lung tumors without causing common radiation side effects like lethargy or weight loss.

“This is a one-two punch,” said Charly Craik, PhD, a professor of pharmaceutical chemistry at UCSF and co-senior author of the study, published recently in the journal Cancer Research. “We could potentially kill the tumors before they can develop resistance.”
A Cancer Drug Becomes a Molecular Flag

The foundation for this breakthrough was laid a decade ago when UCSF’s Kevan Shokat, PhD, discovered how to target KRAS, a notorious cancer-causing protein. When mutated, KRAS drives uncontrolled cell growth and is responsible for up to a third of all cancers.

Shokat’s breakthrough led to the development of drugs that latched onto cancerous KRAS. But the drugs could only shrink tumors for a few months before the cancer came roaring back.

The drugs stayed bound to KRAS, however, and Craik, wondered whether they might make cancer cells more “visible” to the immune system.

“We suspected early on that the KRAS drugs might serve as permanent flags for cancer cells,” Craik said.
Harnessing Radiation for Precision Therapy

In 2022, a UCSF team that included Craik and Shokat demonstrated this was indeed possible.

The team designed an antibody that recognized the unique drug/KRAS surface fragment and beckoned to immune cells.

However, the approach needed the immune system to have the strength to beat the cancer by itself, which turned out not to be that effective.
Bringing Atomic-Level Radiation to Cancer Cells

Around the same time, Craik began working with Mike Evans, PhD, a professor of radiology at UCSF, to develop a different approach to destroy cancer cells.

They still used the K-RAS drug to flag cancerous cells, but this time they armed the antibodies with radioactive payloads.

The combination worked, eliminating lung cancer in mice with minimal side effects.

“Radiation is ruthlessly efficient in its ability to ablate cancer cells, and with this approach, we’ve shown that we can direct it exclusively to those cancers,” Evans said.

Added Craik, “The beauty of this approach is that we can calculate an extremely safe dose of radiation. Unlike external beam radiation, this method uses only the amount of radiation needed to beat the cancer.”

Customizing Treatment for More Patients

To make this therapy work in most patients, scientists will have to develop antibodies that account for the different ways that people’s cells display KRAS.

The UCSF team is now working on this – motivated by their own evidence that it can work.

Kliment Verba, PhD, an assistant professor of cellular and molecular pharmacology at UCSF, used cryo-electron microscopy to visualize the ‘radiation sandwich’ in atomic detail, giving the field a structure to develop even better antibodies.

“The drug bound to the KRAS peptide sticks out like a sore thumb, which the antibody then grabs,” said Verba, who like Craik is a member of UCSF’s Quantitative Biosciences Institute (QBI). “We’ve taken a significant step toward patient-specific radiation therapies, which could lead to a new paradigm for treatment.”

Authors: In addition to Craik, Evans, and Verba, other UCSF authors are Apurva Pandey, PhD, Peter J. Rohweder, PhD, Lieza M. Chan, Chayanid Ongpipattanakul, PhD, Dong hee Chung, PhD, Bryce Paolella, Fiona M. Quimby, Ngoc Nguyen, MS.

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