Saturday 14 September 2019

Health News - ‘World’s oldest parents’ both in intensive care after delivering twins

‘World’s oldest parents’ both in intensive care after delivering twins

By Jon Levine,  New York Post, September 14th, 2019

The world’s oldest mom and her husband are in intensive care just days after the delivery of their two children.
Dad, Raja Rao, 78, is also in intensive care after suffering a heart attack just after the births, the tabloid reported.Erramatti Mangayamma, 74, who recently delivered two healthy babies via caesarean section, was placed in the ICU a short time later, though her exact medical condition remains unclear, according to The Sun.
The babies were born in the East Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh, India.
The couple have been together since 1962. For more than 57 years of marriage the pair had attempted to conceive without success. They were ultimately successful after using in vitro fertilization.
“People looked at me with accusing eyes, as if I had committed a sin,” Mangayamma told the Times of India, describing her long period of childlessness. “Neighbors would call me ‘godralu’ [a curse word for a childless woman]. However, my husband stood by me like a rock.”
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