Sunday 6 October 2019

EOM-Ethical Omnivore Movement

Commentary By Sabel Mouse, on Sunday Oct 6, 2019 about Greta Thunsperg

Yesterday I posted my intent to discuss the Greta Thunsperg phenomenon and I got what I thought I would. The people who want to dig deeper and the “fingers in ears... lalalala” people and the outright ANGRY AF people. No surprises there.

Listen if you want to follow around a mentally ill (said kindly and respectfully. It’s by her own admittance) 16 year old Vegan, proudly eating plastic wrapped Bananas flown thousands of miles to her, treated like a movie star for yelling at adults, asking for taxes that will only hurt the poor and little else while travelling the globe, asking you not to travel the globe, claiming only family help, blatantly lying ....and not even lying for herself.. she’s NEVER uttered a word of her own...then be my guest and please follow another page...

Follow by all means.. I’m not giving ultimatums, but please know what and WHO you are truly following and what message you are getting behind.

And if you are truly in love with this young lady then please worry about her well being, mental health (she’s voices how exhausted and stressed this has all made her. And the fact that this is one of the worst cases of child exploitation I’ve ever seen.

Because HERE we discuss real solutions every single individual on the planet can implement through local consumerism, Regenerative Agriculture, ethical purchasing, helping one another.

Do you know if we have no healthy soil we have no life on this planet.. NONE. You want to talk EXTINCTION? You want to be a vegan and support the one thing that kills soil .. and entire ecosystems and that’s Industrial Monoculture .. you don’t GET to talk about extinction. You want to be a celebrity environmentalist and support this Agriculture and not talk about Soil and Regenerative Agriculture? Extinction better not DARE cross your uneducated lips.

What else we do here is INVESTIGATE stinky turds that distract us from taking pragmatic, personal action. What do you think Greta has done to influence individuals to do? Yell and place more blame? Be OFFENDED?

Please folks go be star struck and voluntarily ignorant somewhere else. Wanna get shit DONE.. stick around. But please get off the fence. THIS here movement, Regenerative Agriculture needs warriors. Please answer the call. Those of us who have are getting weary.

And here.. some pretty essential viewing IMO
~Lana Joe Salant

Recommend this post by Sabelmouse, and follow along.

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