Wednesday 15 January 2020

IMPOSSIBLE quarry marks & Ancient Lost HIgh Technology.....Really?

SGD Sacred Geometry Decoded, published on ytube, Jan, 15, 2020

The Ancient Lost High Technology argument rests on a single argument. It is impossible with ancient, and often modern tools, and therefore it has to be lost high ancient technology.
So it is imperative to the leaders in this community that no information that contradicts their argument be presented.

Since if it is possible then therefore it is not impossible and then therefore they have no argument. Apart from the standard narrative of claiming to be suppressed or that the information is being suppressed by the establishment.Yet crucial information and contrary points are deafening in their silence. It is almost as if those whose income relies on taking thousands of dollars from people for expensive guided tours are going out of their way not to educate, but to exploit, and so line their pockets.

 I call it a cult because the classical structure of cults is to demonise those who might challenge the guru. While also preaching to the crowd that they are somehow special and are the only ones capable of saving humanity from the 'evil' others. The very same playbook and word salads used by cults such as The Family here in Australia and countless others elsewhere.
 Facts must be suppressed to serve the greater cause.
 There's more to come, in previous videos I have exposed the non-existent research in regards to ancient lifting technologies and materials.

The foundational claims of fact made by the leaders of this industry are just wrong. It's hard for me to imagine how they could all get it so wrong so consistently over the years. Unless of course they are guilty of what they accuse other people of, the suppression of information. 
Since to include the crucial information that contradicts their so called 'facts' would destroy their industry and kill their profits and reputations. Should any of these 'leaders' like to debate this I would be happy to participate, you can contact me here in the comments and we can go from there.

Recommend this post and follow the birth of modern Man

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