Sunday 16 August 2020

Sunday, photo corner.

Aug. 16 2020, photos by ChuckinCardinal
 All photos taken this month from my backyard

A very complete rainbow, not only in length, but colour range, it's even duplicitous

The garden gnome in retirement.

A beehive.  The bees look like small wasps.

The corn is starting to have fungal issues due to summer rain

The bird bath station:  I get as many birds and even a larger variety than in winter when the bird feeding station is located here next to this lone spruce tree.  Surprisingly a mourning dove is just now building a nest in the Spruce, probably for a second brood.

Sunset out back of the barn

The purple loosestrife is a invasive species, growing next to goldenrod, a local plentiful weed.  I think they look nice together.  The taller weeds in behind are stinging nettle, which I could do without.  I have yet to harvest any for the healthy tea they are said to make.

My version of a steampunk vine stand, but the kiwis were once again set back by a late spring.  The sunflower, the birds planted, is doing well though.

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