Monday 14 September 2020

Chuck's photo corner, Sept 2020

All photos from around the yard in Cardinal

Basil (officinalis) 

 Basil (Cardinal)  When I saw this seed in the catalogue this spring I knew I had to grow some.  It wasn't until these red tops appeared, and the stems turned red that I figured out why Cardinal basil.  It has some of the licorice odours and flavours that Thai basil does.  It's a keeper in my garden, if I can properly collect the seed.

Summer savory (turkey seasoning) with a side of sage on the right of it.

A wasp on a garlic chives flower head.

I am such a sucker for a colourful sunset.

Chippy, the Red squirrel that owns the nut trees around the barn.  I do enjoy watching it chase off bigger black and grey squirrels, it will even jump on them in the heat of the chase, much to the shigrin of the wanna be intruders.

Bees love this flower they crawl right into the flower disappearing for a time.

This day lilly has been flowering all season, a real winner in the garden

The little garden around the street number sign out front.

Entering the back yard from the non driveway side of the house.  The construction is for kiwi vines that do poorly in our cool climate, the metal works, my use of available stuff for a little steampunk effect.  The wood from roofing steel shipping crates, from working days.

Recommend this post and post a few of yur own gardens or a neighbours.

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