Friday 9 October 2020



I’m not trying to be facetious here, but I don’t know what other stance climate alarmists can take. Every data point –even those from warm-mongers NOAA– reveals that the North American continent is cooling.

Taking NOAA’s data as read, with its Urban Heat Island (UHI) bias, it still reveals a sharp cooling trend across the U.S. and Canada from 2015 through 2019. A trend that has continued into 2020 with the majority of regions suffering a late start to summer, and, now, an early beginning to winter.

North America is currently bracing for its sixth or seventh (I’ve genuinely lost count) Arctic blast of the season. By next Monday (Oct 19) an enormous mass of polar cold will have engulfed 90+% of the continent:

Note that the “Arctic cold” has descend south, leaving the polar region anomalously warm — a phenomenon expected during low solar activity and explained further HERE.

Using the same data tool NOAA cites in its latest report (released Jan, 2020) as well as the same 5-year time-frame, it is revealed that temperatures in North America declined at a rate of 2.03C per decade between 2015-2019.

This is a monster drop in temps, one 29 times Earth’s official average rate of increase since 1880 according to the NOAA report: “The global annual temperature has increased at an avg. rate of 0.07C (0.13F) per decade since 1880.”

North America, 2.03C/Decade decline (2015-2019).

But why does the data show North America is cooling while the planet as a whole is purportedly burning to a crisp?

Well, one answer could be that weather station coverage is very good across the U.S. and Canada, and the likes of NOAA, despite what they tell you, have very poor surface thermometer coverage for much of the rest of the planet.

Where coverage is thin (such as in Africa and Siberia, for example), NOAA will simply guess the temperature. This filling in the gaps will be justified by saying that readings from the closest temperature stations have been used as proxy, but 
1) this method will not give an accurate global temperature record as the closest temp station could be hundreds or even thousands of miles away, and
 2) these stations will more often than not be located in cosmopolitan areas — such areas have a proven Urban Heat Island bias and so will of course skew the overall picture. 
When natural vegetation is replaced with buildings, pavement, and spurious heat sources like air conditioning units and cars, the microclimate around a thermometer site changes. This expansion of inner-city readings to cover entire nations is probably, now, the sole driver of anthropogenic global warming.

With this guesswork, NOAA –in partnership with a few small fractions of other organizations (such as NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies)– have managed to craft a wholly unnaturally linear temperature trend that is supposedly on course to deliver an “unprecedented climatic catastrophe” within the next few months/years/decades –nobody can quite agree on the time-frame– but one thing you can be sure on, we’re all about to fry so we best overthrow democracy and so capitalism, and while we’re at it ban all life-giving/saving fossil fuels, too.

Also, no one can explain the cooling from 1940 to 1980-or-so, when atmospheric CO2 levels were supposedly rising exponentially.

In conclusion, North America having a good thermometer coverage could actually be limiting NOAA’s “guesswork”, and so the continent’s cooling trend could actually be providing us a picture far closer to the truth (I have no other explanation). However, the Urban Heat Island effect is still on show here, too.

For example, and as pointed out by Dr. Roy Spencer, in 2019 Miami International Airport set a new high temperature record of 98F for the month of May. The thermometer in question is at the west end of the south runway at the airport, at the center of the Miami-Ft. Lauderdale metroplex:

GFS surface temperature analysis for around midnight, 28 May 2019.

The truth is out there, for those willing to search it out.

And despite the fudging, the mercury ACROSS THE PLANET has also been officially been falling since 2015, at a rate of 0.13C per decade — slower than North America, but still at almost twice the official rate of increase since 1880:

Global, 0.13C/Decade decline (2015-2019).

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