Monday 2 November 2020



The UK is set to celebrate its coldest “Bonfire Night” for years, and even a few flurries of exceptionally rare early-November snow could fall as far south as Greater London.

Bonfire night (aka Guy Fawkes Night) is an annual commemoration observed across the UK on 5 November. It marks the anniversary of the discovery of a plot organized by Catholic conspirators to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London in 1605. Many people light bonfires and set off fireworks to commemorate the event (this year’s celebrations will likely be held on Nov 4 due to a government lockdown coming into effect at 00:01 on Nov 5).

A brutal Arctic front is expected to drive temperatures well-below average ACROSS the British Isles, beginning Monday evening. Out-of-season lows of -4C are forecast for Scotland, with temperatures threatening to touch zero most everywhere else — best stack those bonfires extra high this year.

FS 2m Temp Anomalies for Nov 4 [].

Snow is also on the cards, and while I accept the models could be (must be?) overdoing it –because London snow in early November is so incredibly rare– flurries are currently forecast as far south as Greater London tomorrow, Tues, Nov 3:

GFS Total Snowfall for Nov 3 [].

What I can say with certainty is that this week will be an exceptionally cold one across Western Europe, with heavy snow increasing the already record-breaking pack observed over the northern Spanish mountains, the Alps, and Scandinavia.

Noteworthy accumulations are likely across northern England and Scotland over the coming days, too — a prediction supported by UK Met Office meteorologist Marco Petagna, who said: “Following turbulent Storm Aiden and remnants of Hurricane Zeta, a chilly north-westerly airstream will become established. Snow could be seen on Tuesday in the North.”

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