Monday 14 December 2020

Etna volcano updates and eruption news:

Mon, 14 Dec 2020, 00:37

Eruption of Etna volcano this evening 
(image: INGV webcam)

A strong eruptive episode (likely to be classified as paroxysm) is now in progress at the volcano's New SE summit crater: starting from around 21:20 local time on 13 Dec evening, strombolian activity from one of the crater's vents (likely the so-called saddle vent) began to increase gradually.

Activity quickly intensified again an hour later, accompanied by a strongly rising signal of volcanic tremor indicating rapid magma flux towards the surface. Although difficult to judge from webcam imagery, it appears that the crater started to produce lava fountains of up to perhaps a few 100 m height, as well as a tall and dense ash plume that rose to estimated 5 km altitude, according to the Volcanic Ash Advisory Center Toulouse.

At the same time, a rapidly advancing lava flow emerged from either the summit or a new flank vent on the southern slope of the crater, branching into two main arms flowing around the 2002 craters.

The activity at the time of this update is still continuing. More details will be likely be published by the volcano observatory in the morning.
Here's a time-lapse of the INGV webcam on Montagnola:

UPDATE Mon 14 Dec morning:

Volcanologists confirmed that the eruption took place from both the so-called saddle vent between the older and younger summits of the SE crater complex as well as a fissure that opened on the SW flank of the cone.
During the peak of activity yesterday late evening, lava fountains were produced from both vents and two lava flows were issued, one traveling to the SW west of the 2002 craters towards Monte Frumento Supino, the other SE to the Torre del Filosofo area.

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