After days of stratospheric venting, explosive volcanic activity is continuing on the Caribbean island of St. Vincent, with the Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warning of a volcanic ash plume rising to an estimated 44,000 ft (13,400 m) and COOLING the planet (take note Bill Gates, Earth doesn’t need your risky egomaniacal intervention).
Particulates ejected above approx. 10km –and so into the stratosphere– shade sunlight and reduce terrestrial temperatures — smaller particulates can linger in the upper atmosphere for years or even decades+ at a time.
As an example of how far a volcanoes influence can reach, SO2 emissions from La Soufrière have now been detected in Africa:
As of today, 50 volcanoes are continuously erupting on our planet (a continuously erupting volcano is classed as having intermittent eruptive events without a break of at least 3 months). That number of 50 is considered well-above the average.
In addition, “generally there are around 20 volcanoes actively erupting on any particular day,” according to; and as of April 13, there are some 30 volcanoes busily spewing ash and toxic gas into the atmosphere, an increase of 50%.
Today’s worldwide volcanic UPTICK is thought to be tied to the low solar activity we’re experiencing, coronal holes, a waning magnetosphere, and the influx of Cosmic Rays penetrating silica-rich magma.
A major eruption at La Soufriere back in 1902 (during the solar minimum of cycle 13 and Centennial Minimum) killed around 1,600 people–most of them indigenous Caribs.
Local media have also reported increased activity at Mount Pelee on the island of Martinique, which lies to the north of St. Vincent beyond St. Lucia. This is a concerning development — the major 1902 eruption at La Soufriere coincided with the catastrophic VEI 4 Mont Pelée eruption on Martinique–one of the deadliest eruptions in recorded history in which more than 29,000 people perished.
And as we know, history repeats…
…stay tuned for updates.
Stratovolcano: 1220 m / 4,003 ft
West Indies, St. Vincent: 13.33°N / -61.18°W
Current status: ERUPTING
Eruption list: La Soufrière violently erupted in 1718, 1812, 1902 and 1979
Soufrière St. Vincent is the northernmost and youngest volcano on St. Vincent Island.
The 1.6-km wide summit crater, whose NE rim is cut by a crater formed in 1812, lies on the SW margin of the 2.2-km-wide Somma crater, which is breached widely to the SW as a result of slope failure.
Frequent explosive eruptions since about 4300 years ago produced pyroclastic deposits of the Yellow Tephra Formation, which blanket much of the island. The first historical eruption of the volcano took place during 1718 (Maunder Minimum); it and the 1812 eruption (Dalton Minimum) produced major explosions.
Much of the northern end of the island was devastated by a major eruption in 1902 (Centennial Minimum) that coincided with the catastrophic Mont Pelée eruption on Martinique.
A lava dome was emplaced in the summit crater in 1971 during a strictly effusive eruption, forming an island in a lake that filled the crater prior to an eruption in 1979. The lake was then largely ejected during a series of explosive eruptions, and the dome was replaced with another.
For more, see
Seismic and Volcanic activity has been correlated to changes in the Sun.
The recent global uptick in earthquakes and volcanic eruptions is likely attributed to the drop-off in solar activity, coronal holes, a waning magnetosphere, and the increase in Galactic Cosmic Rays penetrating silica-rich magma.
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