Monday, 12 April 2021

Soufrière St. Vincent volcano: eruption news and activity updates

Soufrière St. Vincent volcano (St. Vincent Island, West Indies): heavy ash fall covered entire island
Mon, 12 Apr 2021, 08:35

The landscape of the island is shrouded in the ash blanket from the explosions (image: @VincieRichie/twitter)
A heavy ash fall has blanketed the Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and affecting the entire island by extremely poor visibility. Read more... read all
Soufrière St. Vincent volcano (St. Vincent Island, West Indies): dramatic changes to crater

Mon, 12 Apr 2021, 07:54

A new deep vent formed after the first two massive eruptions on 9 April visible in the satellite image (image: @capellaspace/twitter)

An amazing recent satellite image shows dramatic morphological changes in the volcano's summit crater: the first two powerful explosions on 9 April completely destroyed the 1979 and 2020-2021 lava domes and left a new deep vent.
Soufrière St. Vincent volcano (St. Vincent Island, West Indies): powerful eruptions continue with huge ash clouds

Mon, 12 Apr 2021, 07:09
Dense dark ash column extended towards the Barbados (image: @tonyveco/twitter)
An another vigorous explosive eruption occurred at 13:30 UTC yesterday detected by the satellite Copernicus. Read more... read all

Soufrière St. Vincent volcano (St. Vincent Island, West Indies): second strong explosion in the afternoon
Fri, 9 Apr 2021, 21:16
Eruption column of the second explosion of Soufrière St. Vincent volcano this afternoon (image: UWISeismic Research / twitter)

A second strong explosion occurred this afternoon, around 2:45 pm, apparently similar in size as the one from the morning.
Volcanic Ash Advisory Center Washington reports an ash plume reaching 20,000 ft (7 km) altitude and moving SE. Images taken from the island confirm a tall ash column rising at least 4 km according to estimates from the volcano observatory. [less]

Soufrière St. Vincent Volcano Volcanic Ash Advisory: NEW EXPLOSIVE EM PLUS REMNANT VA. to 20000 ft (6100 m)
Fri, 9 Apr 2021, 21:00

Soufrière St. Vincent volcano (St. Vincent Island, West Indies): massive eruption sends ash to 20,000 ft
Fri, 9 Apr 2021, 18:56

Eruption of Soufriére St. Vincent volcano this morning (image: University of the West Indies)
A strong explosion occurred this morning at the volcano at 08:40 am local time. The eruption produced an ash column that rose several km above the active lava dome. Read more... read all

Soufrière St. Vincent volcano (West Indies, St. Vincent): effusive eruption continues with series of seismic swarm
Wed, 7 Apr 2021, 08:30

The extruded lava dome continues to grow (image: @NEMOSVG/twitter)
The effusive eruption of the volcano continues characterized by the actively growing lava dome. Read more... read all

Soufrière St Vincent volcano (West Indies): lava dome continues to grow slowly
Wed, 24 Mar 2021, 21:01
The lava dome continued to slowly grow during 17-23 March, expanding to the N and S. A team visited the dome on 19 and 23 March to make observations, take measurements, and maintain monitoring equipment. Read more... read all

Soufrière St. Vincent volcano (West Indies, St. Vincent): twice length and volume of new lava dome since last update
Mon, 22 Mar 2021, 10:14
The extruded lava dome continues to grow (image: @uwiseismic/twitter)
The effusive eruption of the volcano continues characterized by the actively growing lava dome. Read more... read all
Clear satellite imagery from 5 Feb shows the protagonist of this effusive episode (image: @uwiseismic/twitter)
No significant change in the activity of the volcano has occurred since the last update and has remained essentially unchanged at effusive phase

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