Sunday 20 June 2021

Chuck's photo corner for the week, to June 20, 2021

Welcome to the first day of Summer, here in the North.  I'll be drinking to that a little later in this longest day of the year. 

Seems like a sedom week, at least the little ones are flowering.

rose and peony, nice morning odour in the house.

one of several types of pebble sedum

This guy is a real trooper and will flower all summer, if I dead head it regularly

another pebble sedum

This sedum is just a little larger, than the pebble sedums, but not much.

This one is like pebbles on a stick

Daylilies just opening at dawn the first day of summer

I think these guys common name is gold drop.

My chamomile plot, kicking my ass to harvest now.

These perennial mutiplyer onions are great

Wild daisies and phlox. invading my sedum stockpile.

rosey rose (a tea rose)

wild side rose

These are the new growth spikes, the old growth spikes are more brittal.

Enjoy this post and follow my blog

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