Sunday 27 June 2021



Following on from late-May’s historic SMB gains, Greenland has now posted huge GROWTH during a time when it would ordinarily be losing snow and ice.

Looking below at the official numbers, courtesy of the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI), it is revealed that single day gains of 4 gigatons were logged yesterday, June 24 — astonishing for the time of year: never before in recorded history has Greenland GAINED this much snow and ice this late into the season.

Using the daily output from a weather forecasting model, combined with a model that calculates the melt of snow and ice, the DMI calculate the “surface mass budget” (SMB) of the ice sheet.

Crucial to the survival of a glacier is its SMB, which is the difference between accumulation and ablation (sublimation and melting). The budget takes into account the balance between snow that is added to the ice sheet vs melting snow and glacier ice that runs off into the ocean.

The budget is totaled over the course of a season, from September 1 to August 31.

Last season’s SMB totaled 349bn tonnes, which was “normal,” according to the DMI.

Changes in this mass-balance control a glacier’s long-term behavior, and are its most sensitive climate indicators.

Ice sheets can also lose ice by the breaking off (aka “calving”) of icebergs from its edge, but that is not included in this type of budget. Calving events usually occur when an ice sheet is expanding, not shrinking. In addition, an icebergs that breaks off a glacier aren’t “lost” to the ocean, they continue existing like some island extension of the sheet.

On the back of substantial SMB gains over the past few years, the Greenland Ice Sheet looks set to continue that trend in 2021. And despite decades of doom-and-gloom prophecies, the sheet is currently GAINING record-smashing amounts of “mass” — a whopping 4 gigatons yesterday alone (June 24, 2021).

An accumulation this large has never been documented at this time of year–at least not since DMI records began back in 1981. Growth of this magnitude would be considered healthy in November through February, let alone in late-June.

According to climate alarmists, the Greenland ice sheet should have melted into oblivion by now.

Yet here we are, posting record-breaking GAINS:

Since September, 2020 –the official start of the season– SMB spikes above the 2/2.5 gigaton daily average have been a regular occurrence.

Spikes above 5 Gts mark have also been commonplace.

Back in early-November, the sheet gained a whopping 10 Gts in a single day.

And then we have late-May’s historic, off-the-charts accumulation of 12+ Gts:

This season’s gains continue the impressive growth trend witnessed since 2016 (which coincides with the cooling of Earth’s terrestrial temperature):


For the 2016-17 SMB season, the Greenland ice sheet gained 544 billion tonnes of ice (compared to the 1981-2010 average of 368bn tonnes) .

This is the fifth highest in books dating back to 1981 (with the highest being the 619bn tonnes gained in 1995-96 — solar minimum of cycle 22).


The DMI calculated a total SMB of 517bn tonnes for the 2017-18 season.

This is almost 150bn tonnes above the 1981-2010 average, and puts it just behind the 2016-17 season as the sixth highest on record (by contrast, the lowest SMB in the record was 2011-2012 with just 38bn tonnes).

2018-19 + 2019-20:

DMI estimates that the surface of the ice sheet gained 169bn tonnes during 2018-19.

And while this is on the low end, it still falls within the 1981-2010 average–and comfortably above 2011-12’s paltry 38bn tonnes.

The 2019-20 SMB looks to have reversed the lower gains of 2018-19, with 349bn tonnes added to the sheet.

These were levels very close to the 1981-2010 average of 368bn tonnes.

The DMI described the year as “normal,” and the gains look to have gotten things back on track to the post 2016 trend of growth.

Also note: the period 2003-2011 saw ice sheet losses on Greenland average 234bn tonnes each year. Since then though, the tide has clearly turned, the trend is changing to one of growth: climate is cyclic, after all — never linear.


Furthermore, the Total Snow Mass for the Northern Hemisphere chart (shown below) reveals that accumulating snow continued to track well-above the 1982-2012 average this season.

At its peak (early-March) northern hemisphere snow was sitting at some 500+ gigatons above the norm (another “impossible” real-world reality according to the IPCC: “Milder winter temperatures will decrease heavy snowstorms”).

This is how glaciers form.

This is how ice ages begin.

Ocean currents are also stalling.

This all points to cooler times ahead.

Don’t say you weren’t warned.

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