Thursday, 29 July 2021

Archaeology News: Rat bones show climate helped early humans out of Africa through Israel


Rat bones show climate helped early humans out of Africa through Israel

Researchers explained that the rodents, in order to survive at the time, would have needed more humid conditions, suggesting that the Judean Desert was greener and wetter.

“These are very, very close animals, so if today this species lives in humid areas, chances are that even about 100,000 years ago the subspecies we found would have needed the same conditions,” they added, suggesting that at the time the Judean Desert was greener and wetter.

An illustration that combines the appearance of the area in the Judean Desert where the bones were found and an illustration of how it once looked based on the driest place where the mane rat is today, in Djibouti. (Photo credit: Aya Mark/Dr. Ignacio A. Lazagabaster)
An illustration that combines the appearance of the area in the Judean Desert where the bones were found and an illustration of how it once looked based on the driest place where the mane rat is today, in Djibouti. (Photo credit: Aya Mark/Dr. Ignacio A. Lazagabaster)

According to the dating conducted by the researchers using radio-carbon and other methods, the bones found date back to a period between 120,000 and 42,000 years.

While the first human migration from Africa began as early as 1.8 million years ago, modern humans are thought to have left Africa and spread out to other areas of the world, passing through the territory of modern Israel starting around 100,000 years ago.

Scholars have been debating whether their ability to travel and cross deserts is to be attributed to more favorable climatic conditions compared to those presented by the same areas in modern times, or to specific skills developed by humans that allowed them to survive in harsher conditions.

“Since there cannot be any doubt that this species presented special technological capabilities and its modality of spreading happened through slow movements over similar climatic areas, we assume that the same African species reached the Judean Desert through an ancient climatic corridor,” the researchers noted. “It is likely that also humans, who migrated from Africa to the Levant at that time, were aided by the same ecological corridor.”

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