Sunday 11 July 2021

Chuck's Photo corner for this week ending July 11, 2021 - πŸ˜ŠπŸŒΌπŸ’⛄⛈

Flowers from around the yard here in Cardinal, this week.

The front porch garden, fairly well shaded.

more sedums flowering

My first time with painted daisies.

morning is breaking a little later each day now.

The zinnias have broken and will show more and more flower until winter.

not sure what the blue spike ball flowers are

the front of the spare lot, all of which I planted shortly after moving in around 2000

guess who, lol

monarch butterfly food of course, milkweed. (wild flower, often first in after a burn)

variegated hosta starting to bloom

just a weed seed I found amongst the ditch lilies

These are a wild flower, not sure what kind

so the tamer day lilies are beginning, soon the real reds will be opening.

Juniper is full of berries

a second colour of bee balm has opened with ant exploring, lol

another unknown client cast off

The robins are starting to go crazy for these before the cedar wax wings get a hold of these and their close relative pictured below.

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