Sunday 1 August 2021

Chuck's photo corner the end of July πŸ™‹πŸΈπŸ°⛈πŸŒπŸ”€

Photos from around my yard, with a couple of shots of seagulls from a few km. up the river in the town I buy groceries, Prescott. 

a cool night after a hot day

12c is about 56f

enjoying some fries while taking a break after shopping, looking out at the St. Lawrence, and the US. 
The port across the river has a white line of salt showing, delivered by boat.  The Canadian port a few km. down river has at least 6 such lines of salt.

a tasty part of my supper. lol

I think this fog a week after the first was a little smokier. (from fire burning a few thousand miles away out west)

A coast guard vessel, that doesn't really go anywhere.  Another shopping day break down by the river in Prescott.

This I think is a mud wasp.

a painted daisy.

painted daisy.

a monarch feeding on oregano flowers, it visited several for some time.

bird planted sunflowers from their winter feed.

These driveway daylilies have been doing very well, for weeks now.

a type of garden daisy.

purple coneflower with bee companion (rudbeckia)

black eyed susans (another rudbeckia)

another daylily still going

garden phlox

These are the sunflowers I planted this year.

a painted daisy and a bug that eats them.

the garlic chives just starting to open a flower.

This mini rose is about 8" tall

jalapeno peppers that survived spring's late frost

only a couple of these guys I had sheltered during the late spring frost.

These basket of fire Texas peppers did the best during the spring late frost.  The couple I tried are hot, but none have completely ripened to get real hot.

These wilder roses smell wonderful.

Recommend this post and enjoy

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