Sunday 22 August 2021

Chuck's photo corner for this hot humid past week in August

It's been hot and steamy this week, despite the beautiful, full blue moon this weekend. Early morning mists have abounded, and the yellow jackets as well.

Sunnyday, Aug. 22, 2021, with lighting expected again this afternoon as Hurricane Henri is expected to pull a 90 degree turn east, while it's presently on course straight for Cardinal, after tearing up New York  in a few hours.

The first real salvo of g. peppers and tomatoes.

The first big pick of the 'basket of fire' peppers.  I grew plants from last years garden seeds, some peppers seem to start purple and some more yellow, final maturity and heat is supposed to be redder.

These seem to like their spot in the yard.

Wild asters, just beginning.

another variety of sedum beginning to flower.

The wild grapes are beginning to colour.

Some sort of weeds beginning to flower.

The small plot of tomatoes and basil

The hibiscus is really getting going.

These are usually pinker.

An antherium beginning to flower again.  A friends gift for my wife's celebration of Life.

This is the highest I've seen the outdoor thermometer read.  It's in the Sun and shaded by a piece of tin a few inches from it.

In the house.

The big screen lives in the other east facing corner.

When Looking out the window as I sat down to my computer this morning.

Enjoy and post your own

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