Friday 19 November 2021



In recent years, the Sun has been at its weakest state in more than a century. This is revealed by the sunspot count (shown below)–a great barometer for solar activity.

Sunspot count–from solar cycle 12 to the start of solar cycle 25.

The Sun’s output ebbs and flows on a roughly 11-year cycle.

As visualized above, the most recent solar cycle (24) finished up closely matching those of ‘The Centennial Minimum’ (≈1880-1914) — the previous multi-cycle period of low output–otherwise known as a ‘Grand Solar Minimum’ (GSM).

Grand Solar Minimums themselves can also range in depth and length, and, crucially for all of Earth’s inhabitants, these factors determine the severity of the accompanying ‘global cooling’.

The Centennial Minimum was a relatively modest GSM.

Conversely, one of the strongest on record was the ‘Maunder Minimum’ (1645-1715). The MM, as documented by NASA, sent Europe and North America into a “deep freeze”: “From 1650 to 1710, temperatures across much of the Northern Hemisphere plunged when the Sun entered a quiet phase now called the Maunder Minimum. During this period, very few sunspots appeared on the surface of the Sun, and the overall brightness of the Sun decreased slightly. Already in the midst of a colder-than-average period called the Little Ice Age, Europe and North America went into a deep freeze: alpine glaciers extended over valley farmland; sea ice crept south from the Arctic; and the famous canals in the Netherlands froze regularly—an event that is rare today.”

The above facts are no longer permitted in mainstream scientific debates, and calling them out sees you instantly dismissed as a conspiracy theorist. History, however, will view this censorship very poorly, and will see it as an illustration of the power of propagandizing. Discovery, it would appear, is no longer welcome in the field of climate science — we apparently know all that there is to know. But in reality, this suppression is a necessity if the AGW train is to keep on rolling. It stands that the return of a cyclically waning Sun –which is indeed what we’re seeing today– would instantly flush alarmists’ claims of never-ending temperature increases down the proverbial pan.

Furthermore, and rather curiously, while Earth’s overall temperature trends colder during prolonged bouts of low solar activity, not all regions experience the chill. As visualized in NASA’s ‘Maunder Minimum Reconstruction Map’ (shown below), areas such as the Arctic, Alaska, and the North Atlantic actually warm during spells of otherwise ‘global’ cooling — this appears to chime with what we’re seeing today, and, unlike the baseless ‘Polar Amplification Theory’, could explain why the Arctic is warming while the Antarctic is cooling.

Temp change between 1780 (a year of normal solar activity) and 1680 (a year within the depths of the Maunder Minimum) — NASA.

The Sun also goes through Grand Solar MAXIMUMS–periods of unusually high solar activity. The most recent maximum –‘The Modern Maximum‘– ran through the years 1914 –the end of the Centennial Minimum– to 2007. Coincidentally, global temperatures increased during this period (aka “catastrophic global warming”), and they have only recently, after a multi-year lag –tied to ocean inertia– started to come back down (-0.34C since 2016, according to the UAH, and falling).

But back to previous Grand Solar Minimums, ‘The Dalton Minimum’ was another key one — it ran from 1790 to 1820, and is clearly identifiable in the sunspot chart below:

Sunspot count–from solar cycle 12 to the start of solar cycle 25.

Like the deeper Maunder before it, the Dalton brought about a period of lower-than-average global temperatures.

Historical documentation reveals that the Oberlach Station in Germany, for example, experienced a 2C decline over just 20 years, which devastated the country’s food production. Therefore, modern notions that a GSM would decrease temperatures by just 0.01-0.02C are another ‘explain-away’ fallacy. However, this mainstream admission –that GSMs result in cooling– could be seen as a positive, because we’re no longer arguing if the phenomena exists or not, we’re now only debating its impact.


Low solar activity impacts Earth’s weather/climate via a number of different mechanisms.

The most notable is the reduction of energy entering the jet streams which reverts the jet’s usual strong and straight ZONAL flow to a weak and wavy MERIDIONAL one. In turn, and depending on which side of the stream you’re on, you’re either in for a spell of unseasonably cold or warm weather and/or a period of unusually dry or wet conditions:

This is a phenomenon long-predicted by those who study the Sun, and it’s one forecast to intensify as the Grand Solar Minimum continues its deepening — all of us are now watching this play out in real-time, whether we know it or not:

Along with low solar activity’s impact on the jet streams, other ‘global cooling’ mechanisms include: the great conjunction, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and also The Beaufort Gyre—and its immense impact on the Gulf Stream, and therefore the climate overall.

“The next 30 years will be a cold,” so says climate scientist Dr. Willie Soon . But I question what it will take for the IPCC and their MSM lapdogs to admit that what they’ve been pedaling for the past 30+ years was based on a warped ideology, and not science. Logic has now been twisted so as to mean that Arctic outbreaks (renamed Polar Vortexes) are a direct result of global warming, i.e. warming = cooling, which is a perfect example of what Orwell dubbed “doublethink”: the acceptance of contrary opinions or beliefs at the same time, especially as a result of political indoctrination. And I worry that the draconian future Orwell described is fast materializing; I fear the climate will be the least of people’s concerns in the coming years, as we seem to be destroying civilization all by ourselves: COVID passports, energy shortages and ration cards, anyone…?

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