Sunday 20 February 2022

Chuck photo corner 02, 20, 2022

Winter pics with lots of cold and snow.

Today is typical of the winter, starting at -20c warming to 0c going from sunny to wet snow and rain.

Ficus 'Gem' a plant designed for the office happy for longer days.

snow sliding off the roof.

after a warm day.

the creek after a cold night.

after a freezing cold night

I put up the bird feeder and it didn't take long for a crowd to appear.

shoveling the driveway at home after the first storm

The next morning there is more snow, sigh.

The Christmas cactus is happy enough.

and this guy just keeps flowering

even as it looks like this outside.

this is after I shoveled yesterday 

looking out my window to the street below.


It didn't take long to empty the feeders the second time.

Enjoy my pics and post 
a few of your own

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