Sunday 10 April 2022

Chuck's Sunday photo corner to April 10, 2022 👊👍💂🐦🐣🐙🐞🍣🍟⛆

All photo's taken by Chuck over the last few weeks.

my aloe

the indoor plants are surviving but can't wait to get out onto the porch

visiting a friend , this is his dog.

a crow and a typical spring cloud cover

The yard is now snow free but the ground is still mostly frozen

over the years of cutting my spring pussy willows have diminished even as the shrub has grown.

a birch in Cardinal

Red twig dogwood, the bark was once smoked by Native north Americans. It peels in older branches similar to birch bark.

new spring buds

The garlic chives have survived another winter

The trip north into the Laurentian mountains

The stream is up and flowing fast.

Blue Jay one misty morning

how the lichens like to grow eh.

if a tree falls in the forest

some folks call them wood peckers, I call them pecker knockers.

new skin of spring

Recommend this post and enjoy the day.

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