Sunday 30 April 2023

Chuck's picture corner to this last day of April 2023

Pictures from the last couple of weeks

Snow gone today

cabbage on the way

The 'to the roof top' snow is now all gone.

several types of peppers.

The setup in the solarium

My back yard in Cardinal last week.

growing on a black walnut stump

the tulips were still not blooming yet yesterday

lilac getting ready

a male wild turkey on the front lawn

peppers last week

our setup last week

can you count the dark eyed juncos in this pic there are about 20

creeks up

rodent damage in the newly exposed lawn

snow around last week

all gone in about 10 days

Easter eats

Cardinal a couple of weeks ago - thin this

A spring ice storm

heading out the drive for drugs , lol

Looking out the front porch

Enjoy my pics


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