Monday 1 May 2023




Resident’s of Iceland’s capital woke to a blanket of snow late last week.

Officially, 4 inches settled in the city area — a rare occurrence, according to Icelandic Met Office meteorologist Teitur Arason: “In the last 75 years, there have only been 4 instances of this much snow falling in the Reykjavík area in the second half of April.”

A low-pressure system was responsible for the unseasonable snowfall, continues Arason, snow that has since pushed to the south of the island where authorities urged southerners to check conditions before venturing out.

Behind the snow have been bitingly cold temperatures with thermometers even dipping below the freezing mark.


Australia’s pre-winter cooling is forecast to persist this week, further demonstrating the ‘probe-loving‘ BoM’s calls for a ‘warmer-than-average’ autumn nothing but an agenda-driving fantasy.

Sunday morning delivered anomalously-cold temperatures across the entire continent — a familiar scene:

GFS 2m Temperature Anomalies (C) April 30 [].

Bureau of Meteorology forecaster Harry Clark said a low-pressure trough is sweeping Queensland, bringing cooler air to much of the state: “The minimum for Stanthorpe is forecast around 5C (41F) on Monday and Tuesday,” he said, adding that maximum temperatures, particularly for inland areas, would be up to 10C below the multidecadal average.

Roger Stone of the WMO is quick to blame Australia early cooldown on natural factors, namely the developing El Niño: “We tend to get early cold blasts that can come from the south, that’s pretty typical during El Niño years — clear skies and plenty of frost, once we get into winter … We tend to have an early start to winter and a late finish, so it’s a bit of a double whammy effect.”

This sounds like the establishment getting its excuses in early.

But what about the documented and stark cooling of the past few years, during the rare triple-dip La Niña? These factors, despite mainstream protestations, were a complete surprise to mainstream ‘Climate Scientists’, factors that should have shook the very foundations of the CO2-induced anthropogenic global warming theory–if the theory wasn’t so protected and dogmatic, that is.


The forecast for the start of May looks cold across the likes of the Upper Peninsula — record cold, and very rare snowy.

Checking the books, the last measurable May snow to hit West Michigan was in 1994 (approaching solar minimum of cycle 22).

Monday is also forecast to see a high of 42F, which would make it the coldest May day since at least 1976 (solar min of cycle 20).

Back to the snow, an ‘Omega block’ is expected to deliver a record-breaking May snow event across Michigan’s Upper Peninsula on Monday, according to the latest forecast by Fox Weather, bringing with it “extremely dangerous conditions”.

The Weather Prediction Center’s Winter Storm Severity Index (WSSI) is calling for “substantial disruptions to daily life … extremely dangerous to impossible driving conditions and extensive … and widespread closures and disruptions to infrastructure.”

Despite 40+ years of ‘catastrophic global warming’, WSSI is a recently developed multi-million dollar tool meant to aid decision-making when snow, ice and freezing lows loom. Think of the Storm Prediction Center’s categorical outlook for thunderstorms, but instead of warning about hail, wind and tornadoes, the WPC’s new product warns of the impacts of winter weather.

The WSSI has been triggered this week and is warning that record-breaking snow–rivaling the 2 feet that hit during the infamous May 1990 storm–is about to pound Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. At least 2 feet is current forecast for L’Anse, Michigan, with widespread snow totals of a foot expected elsewhere along Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.

Winter weather alerts have been issued across the region where felled trees and downed power lines are expected to result in power outages; while from Ironwood to Marquette, Winter Storm Warnings are in effect — in May.

GFS 2m Temperature Anomalies (C) May 1 – May 3 [].

GFS 2m Temperature Anomalies (C) May 1 – May 5 [].

May’s return to winter isn’t confined to the Upper Midwest/Northeast.

For one, anonymous cold is sinking south, all the way down to Florida…

GFS 2m Temperature Anomalies (C) May 1 – May 5 [].

…but a biting freeze is also engulfing north of the border, too, into Canada, where the likes of southern Ontario, for example, are also threatening to break historical benchmarks for both lows and snows.


European glaciers have been dumped on in recent weeks, dispelling MSM ‘snowless winter’ notions as gun-jumping garbage.

But remember, “Glaciers are the ambassadors of the climate crisis,” so says Matthias Huss, of the Glamos glacier measuring network — just like Arctic sea ice used to be, and like the Greenland ice sheet used to be, and like polar bears used to be, and like the Great Barrier Reef used to be, right Huss?

Even this season’s historic, all-time record-breaking snow ACROSS the Western U.S. can’t be used to dispel ‘climate crisis’ dogma. We’re told humans are adding energy to the climate system, but we see this action playing out very differently depending on where you look. For example, the U.S. has been buried under unprecedented volumes of snow/ice this year, while the Alps–which make up a far smaller area than even just the Rockies alone–has witnessed less snow than average.

Tasked with tracking the amount of snow on some 20 Swiss glaciers, Glamos has just evaluated the latest data.

Despite the lack of snow at the beginning of winter, which the network believed would see the 2022-23 season rewrite European record-books, heavy and persistent snow since Easter has seen the deficits reduce, and by large margins.

In fact, western Swiss glaciers are now tracking above normal, as are many mountains across Italy, Austria and France.

Moreover, these high altitudes are forecast yet more snow in the coming days and weeks, even as the calendar extends into May, adding to the exceptional dumpings of late-April–which also weren’t included in Glamos’ latest analysis.

Man-made greenhouse gases are responsible for climate change, assert ‘experts’ such as glaciologist Andreas Bauder, who then go on to say that “several snowy and cool years would be necessary to make up for the Alp’s lack of snow.” But this is hardly a tall task and shows we’re nowhere near that ‘point of no return’ reportedly passed many moons ago now. Just look, again, to what’s occurred across the pond: a ‘1,200-year CO2-induced mega-drought’ was undone in just a few months.

How much longer can they peddle this poverty-inducing claptrap?

Until we’re all poor, I assume.

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