Tuesday 8 August 2023




July 2023 in Ireland was well-below average–as it was across the UK as well as much of mainland Europe.

Ireland closed the month with a temperature anomaly of ≈0.7C below the multidecadal norm. It was also very wet, with rain totaling between 133% and 259% of average.

Looking ahead, much of Europe will endure yet more summer chills as the week progresses, with additional summer snow.

GFS 2m Temperature Anomalies (C) Aug 8 [].

The media has gone quite re. my home continent of late — above is why: ‘blues’ and ‘purples’ don’t forward The Narrative.


America’s summer of 2023 is one of unprecedented “climate change-driven heat” that is sending thermometers to “dangerous levels, murdering biodiversity, and making us humans more aggressive“.

The facts on the ground, however–or rather 2m above the ground--paint a contradictory and non-alarming picture.

Below is a look at the 2m temperature anomalies across the CONUS for the past 60-days. Clear to see, the U.S. is experiencing a cooler-than-average summer, with the heat confined to the south–to the likes of Arizona, Texas, and Louisiana (and Mexico):

MSM stories like the one below are nothing but baseless, opportunistic, agenda-driving drivel:



Pacific islands have registered a stark drop in temperature of late.

Last week, Tonga logged its second-lowest temperature ever — 9.3C (48.7F), rivaling the all-time low of 8.7C (47.7F) in 1994.

It’s been so cold that the country’s institutions have put out a desperate call for blankets, from prisons to psychiatric wards.

“The major factor in [Tonga’s cold temperatures] is the flow of air from further south coming up,” said Prof. Janette Lindesay of the ANU’s Fenner School of Environment and Society, who also gives the developing El Niño and lack of clouds as reasons.

“When you’ve got clear skies, at night the heat that’s absorbed at the Earth’s surface during the day when the sun’s shining escapes, so it cools down overnight,” Lindesay continued — anything to tie this cold to natural causes, when we all know darn well had this been record heat in the Pacific then “global boiling” would have been the go-to explanation to which the factory school ordinaries and propagandize alarmists among us would acceptingly nod their heads and ask no more.

The cold isn’t confined to just Tonga; puffer jackets and beanies have been seen across the likes of Fiji and Samoa, and all.

Samoa Meteorological Services assistant chief executive Afaese Dr Luteru Tauvale said Samoa’s average maximum temperature for this time of years was around 29C (84.2F). Regions this week, however, have been struggling to reach 20C (68F).

For the people of Samoa, the cold winds are referred to as “tuaoloa” — and it holds special meaning.

“It means richness, abundance, prosperity, plenty,” said 82-year-old Samoan Reverend Vaiao Ala’ilima Eteuati. “It can be gentle, it can also be very violent and cold. It connects the people with the environment. Shark snaring, bonito fishing — you can’t do it because tuaoloa is precarious.

“[In this period] we usually take very good care [and] attend to our elders,” continued the Reverend. “Because we know the consequences of our life [if] we don’t look after our elderly. People [elsewhere] might see the weather get down to 19C (66.2F) and not think about it, but 19C in Samoa, that’s very cold, and that’s too much for the elderly.”

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