Sunday 3 September 2023

Chucks picture corner to Sept. 3, 2023, .. πŸ…πŸŽπŸ²πŸŒπŸ‡πŸŒ»πŸŒΊπŸƒ

Pictures from the last week around the house in Cardinal, on the mighty St. Lawrence River, which divides nations. πŸ…πŸŽπŸ²πŸŒπŸ‡πŸŒ»πŸŒΊπŸƒ

All pics in chronological order


wild asters 

polawana tree (ment for further south)

no beans, just fluffy seeds. Catalpa tree

golden rod in the back yard

and garden spiders, lol

last weeks harvest, all in the pot, I've had twice this since. (now mostly in the pot for salsa time)


this when cut will be my new laundry line pole, or at least the top of it.

a Sott in the yard (thistle)

not sure possibly cupid dart

black eyed susan

the garlic chives are flowering, I'll be adding some to the salsa pot.

my garden watchman

medium hot when red

very hot when yellow

on the sweeter side

my shadow in the middle of a winking sunflower.

Enjoy this post and 
have a great week.

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