Tuesday, 19 September 2023


Sept. 19, 2023 CAP ALLON

The AGW Party love models, well here’s one for you…

The Economist: “Our modelling estimates that high energy prices claimed 68,000 lives”.

Europe’s dangerous push for renewables, combined with the poking of Putin the bear–who in return cut gas exports to the continent–led to a 145% surge in energy prices last winter. Although wholesale costs have now fallen back, prices of domestic electricity and gas, compared with two years prior, are still up around 70%.

High energy prices can cost lives. They leave many with a difficult choice: heating or eating?

Living in cold conditions raises the risk of cardiac and respiratory problems.

Last November, The Economist predicted that expensive power might result in between 22,000 and 138,000 deaths during a mild winter. “Unfortunately, we appear to have been correct.”

To assess how deaths last winter compare to previous ones The Economist used a common measure of mortality: excess deaths.

Comparing last winter with the winters of 2015-2019, excess deaths across Europe were higher than normal. Across 28 European countries, there were 149,000 excess deaths between November 2022 and February 2023, equivalent to a 7.8% increase.

Of that 149,000 excess deaths, around 60,000 were officially logged as ‘COVID-19’ deaths, with ‘the weather’ being the other major contributing factor.

A record-breaking Arctic outbreak at the end of December 2022 saw a sharp spike in mortality.

Research has found that a drop of 1 degree Celsius (1.8 Fahrenheit) in the average temperature over a three-week period is associated with a 2.2% rise in total deaths — a point that telescreen personalities and pop-scientists alike never talk to, because publicly recognizing that cold is worse than heat, that warmth is preferable, is a truth that must be vehemently buried so as not to muddy narrative waters.

Overall, Europe was spared a harsh winter last time around. It was mercifully mild, milder than the average of 2015-2019, anyway, so cold alone cannot be responsible for the additional deaths — high energy prices likely contributed.

Delving deeper, countries with the highest excess deaths typically experienced the biggest increases in energy costs.

The Economist goes on to estimate that a price rise of around €0.10 per kwh–some 30% of last winter’s average electricity price–was related to an increase in a country’s weekly mortality of around 2.2%. If electricity last winter had cost the same as it did in 2020, the model would have expected 68,000 fewer deaths across Europe, a decline of 3.6%.

The model shows that during the winter of 2022-2023 more Europeans died of the cold (via higher energy prices) than of COVID, which in turn goes to show how crucial a reliable energy market is to health and well-being of a society.

Our dogmatic drive to irradiate cheap and reliable energy (i.e. fossil fuels) is a dangerous and wholly unnecessary gambit. The new technology isn’t ready. A premature switch to wind and solar has already led to far more excess deaths than if we had instead opted to improve on the current infrastructure of coal, oil and gas.

Last winter in Europe is proof of this.

Blame the Kremlin all you want–the media sure has been tasked to do so–but it is the orchestrated drop in fossil fuel-based output that is delivering Europe its biggest energy hurdle. Putin cutting a percentage of the continent’s gas flow is the sanctioned excuse, but the U.S. has already plugged that gap and is profiting immensely. Biden’s suspected blowing-up of the Nord Stream certainly helped in that regard, an act that brought about a far larger reduction in Russia > Europe gas flows than Putin ever imposed.

Europe’s next colder-than-average winter will expose all of this, and any major energy shortfalls (i.e. blackouts) could comfortably run excess deaths north of million.

Alarmists are willing to trade off short term losses for the long-term survival of planet Earth, but this reasoning is built on flawed science: It depends on an irrational fear of carbon–the building blocks of life; on a fear of warmth–which increases biodiversity; and it requires taking a metaphorical bullet to the foot–as everyday folk relinquish their hard, multi-generational earned prosperity in return for a promise that the world won’t end. This is a classic tactic, one employed to control populations for time immemorial. And now here we are in 2023 falling for it once again.


Arriving a day earlier than expected, a coronal mass ejection (CME) hit Earth’s magnetic field on September 18th:

The fast-moving CME triggered a G2-class geomagnetic storm on Monday into Tuesday.

Bright auroras danced around the Arctic Circle.

Markus Varik witnessed a “massive powerful outburst” over Tromsø, Norway:

Markus Varik (Sept 18, 2023) Tromsø, Norway

“Last night in Tromsø was simply astonishing,” says Varik. “There was no way to prepare ourselves for what we saw.”

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