Thursday 4 January 2024

Chuck's picture corner to New Year's 2024

We traveled to visit friends, their towns much larger than ours. Along with the prices to eat at a restaurant.

still here in Lo de Marcos

a string puppet on the wall at the cafe

another puppet at the cafe

Now we are in Bersareius, an outskirt town to Peurto Vallarta

Part of the large bay Peurto Vallarta in the background moutains

cactus garden

From the restaurant where we had a very expensive supper.

Now in La Cruz a little further north along the bay.

grill work

 a trinket stores stuff on the street

 some of the much stuff they had inside.

I thought this was a ficus, but was told it's a bunyon tree.

highend silver works through the window.

a local vulture

The fireworks went off all around the very bay at midnight, we got to view them from Gary's penthouse balcony with a few other couples.

Enjoy the pics and follow
The Life of Earth

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