Thursday, 6 June 2024

Chuck's picture corner to June 6, 2024

It's late spring and the vegie garden is almost in meanwhile the yard blooms as it will.

the last of the lilac to bloom a Korean lilac, the smell is very powerful

The first peon of the season

lots of plums coming this year

the darker blue iris

the nuts are blooming as well

This could be the first year I have kiwi

from their spot mostly in the shade under a cedar

The aquiglia just keep coming back year after year.

The honeysuckle vine begins

nothing like those fresh chamomile tea of the year

these odd current coming along

I used to sell over a doz. variety of sedum

the simplest peon

and this wildish rose towering over me next to the garage.

pink and white the colour slightly changing as they open

the simple pink

sunset last night

I've enjoyed eating these chives with their flowers several times already.

some wild daisies

with today's rain these won't last long.

Enjoy your day

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