Monday 30 September 2024

Chuck's photo corner to Sept. 30 2024 the first days of fall

The weather has been perfect these first days of fall. The air is clean and fresh, the Sun is shining and temps go from 10c to the low 20's each day. The dark is falling faster and faster.

the full jars sit in boiling water for 15 min.  The lids are on loose so hot air can exit the jar while it boils

Heading to the kids for a late Sunday lunch

My daughters fav. new chicken

The back yard

enjoying some late season pollen

the wildernes behind the garage

so many of these wild asters

ready for another chili cook

Peppers ready for this weeks chili as well

We have to scrub the apples this year because of all the rain causing growth on the skin

Hanging out at the grocery store yard with Charlotte the dog while Rachelle shops

fall colours have begun

This little guy wants to stay forever green

down the road at the lake

Rachelle went to the hardware alone and came back with these pics on the camera

the creek at the lake in a different light

Enjoy the day

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