Sunday, 2 March 2025

Chuck's picture corner to March 2, 2025

What a week, warm, cold, snow, rain, with a sunny day or two between.

Outside under the feeder 10 min. ago

spring is on it's way

finches enjoying a morning bite

ever present 

song sparrows only eat on the ground

sun turned to snow and we weren't quite fast enough

it piled up pretty good

two different critters leaving tracks outside the office window overnight

out the back door yesterday as the north wind plummeted temps

check out the beak colour

another day ends

piled high, lol

one turned into two, I think one is pregnant, it chased the other one off

the rough work reflooring the public spaces upstairs is now finished,

The end

Enjoy your day


  1. Learning the comments ropes this week.

    1. It should be interesting, I can't seem to sign in, Chuck

    2. Ok I had to allow 3rd party cookies which I had turned off in my chrome browser settings to sign in to google to comment with my google pic. I now wonder if I should just allow anonymous comments, or google signiners to comment.

    3. Ok anyone can comment now, if you are signed in to google and your browser allows 3rd party cookies it will post who you are., like this comment.

  2. Folks who don't have privacy issues please send your gmail address and I will add it to my blogspot invite list. You might have to give me a little slack on this as I go through a learning period with the program controls.


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