Saturday, 16 May 2020

The President of Madagascar, Andry Rajoelina has called on all African Nations to quit the World Health Organization (WHO)

May 15, 2020

The President of Madagascar, Andry Rajoelina has called on all African Nations to quit the World Health Organization (WHO) because of the bad faith of Europe towards Africa.

The Malagasy president says, Europe created organizations with the desire for Africans to remain dependent on them. Africa has found a medicine against Coronavirus but Europe thinks they have a monopoly of intelligence as such they are refusing to acknowledge it. It is against this backdrop that I invite all African Nations to quit the international organizations in order for us to build ours.

Rajoelina has put his reputation and credibility on the line touting the medicine as a cure. He said it cures COVID-19 in 10 days.

“No one will stop us from moving forward – not a country, not an organisation,” Rajoelina said in response to the WHO’s concerns.

He said the proof of the tonic’s efficacy was in the “healing” of “our patients”.

He called the medicine a “preventive and curative remedy”.

Rajoelina said Madagascar till date, has reported 212 coronavirus infections and 107 recoveries.

The country has one critical case, but no death.

“The patients who have healed have taken no other product than Covid-Organics,” the president said, adding that his country has a history of traditional medicine.

“What if this remedy had been discovered by a European country, instead of Madagascar?”, Rajoelina queried WHO and other skeptics.

“Would people doubt it so much? I don’t think so,” Rajoelina told FRANCE 24 and RFI .

The drink is derived from artemisia – a plant with proven anti-malarial properties – and other indigenous herbs.

“What is the problem with Covid-Organics, really?, he said.

“Could it be that this product comes from Africa?

“Could it be that it’s not OK for a country like Madagascar, which is the 63rd poorest country in the world… to have come up with (this formula) that can help save the world?” asked Rajoelina.

My country Madagascar leaves all the organizations tonight and I call on other African Nations to do same.

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