Friday 11 June 2021



2021 has already been the year without a spring in Europe — and now, the official start of summer also looks under threat, too.

According to the latest GFS run (shown below), a mass of polar cold looks set to descend unusually-far south next week, engulfing the majority of the European continent.

Brief shots of summer-like warmth are currently being enjoyed in central and western regions, but a stark change of fortunes will be noted beginning Wednesday, June 16, as the north and west gradually starts joining the east in suffering truly cold June lows:

GFS 2m Temp anomalies for June 16 [].

The setup is highly unpredictable, and changeable, but by Thursday, June 17 the majority of Europeans should expect wild departures from the seasonal average–of as much as 18C below the norm in some parts.

This pattern is set to persist through next weekend, too, with the UK, Portugal, Spain, France and Germany among the nations set to cop the worst of the anomalous summer chill:

GFS 2m Temp anomalies for June 20 [].

The UK has just shivered through one of its coldest springs on record in books dating back to 1659.

And now, the month of June is forecast to deliver yet more Arctic air across all four home nations:

GFS 2m Temp anomalies for June 22 [].

In addition, rare and heavy summer snow is forecast for parts of Scandinavia and Iceland.

Norway and western Sweden could see 10-20+cm (4-8 inches) of global warming goodness next week, while Iceland could-well be measuring accumulations in the feet (that is, if they didn’t use the metric system).

Looking at the latest GFS ‘Total Snowfall’ run (shown below), things will start turning decidedly white in Iceland on Thursday, June 10. While in western Norway, sizable flakes will begin falling this weekend.

By the time of the summer solstice on Sunday, June 20 –the official start of summer in the northern hemisphere– truly unprecedented accumulations are predicted to have settled:

GFS Total Snowfall June 10 – June 20 [].

Back in 2014, the northern Norwegian city of Tromso experienced a freak summer snowfall — the first time in recorded history that the city had seen snowfall in June.

Local meteorologist, Trond Lien called the situation “very rare” at the time, noting that it must have been a long, long time since it last snowed in June in Tromso.

2021 is now looking set to contain Norway’s second substantial June snowfall in recorded history, which will follow on from what has been a year of “extremely high snow cover,” reported back in late March, who feared that Scandinavia had seen so much snow that it it wouldn’t melt in the summer.

@MarziBravesoul [].

And while it is still uncertain whether the city of Tromso specifically will be hit, it is almost assured that record-setting accumulations will impact southern, central, and western regions, even those at lower elevations.

All this serves as yet more real-word observations the likes of the IPCC and their MSM lapdogs will ignore.

But they are frauds.
And we see the truth.

The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING, in line with the great conjunction, historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow (among other forcings).

see also:

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