Sunday 6 October 2024

Chuck's picture corner first week of Oct. 2024

It's been a week of cool nights and warm sunny days, with colour from the trees as leaves collect on the ground.

an echinacea

walking the dog this morning

a black walnut collection made by a red ground squirrel

the corn field out back, soon after harvest it will be full of geese.


the back yard

I brought a Mexican hat plant leaf home this spring

from a plant lover friend, when my wife died a few yrs ago

this bean is full of hairy flat seed

nuts, lol

when I moved here in 2000 there were no nut trees, now they grow like crazy

walking to the back of the yard

working to it's last day

the tomatoes are done, I'll pick these tomorrow to ripen in newspaper

the peppers now in the pot for the chili I will be jarring today

out my office window

out Rachelle's front door

Rachelle's trees a few days ago

Enjoy this Sunday

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