Sunday, 29 March 2020



A brutal and extensive swathe of sub-zero temperatures has engulfed much of Europe, ravaging farmers’ fields throughout Northern Italy, much of Poland, and the Ukraine.

Italian farmers’ group Coldiretti issued a report on March 24, revealing a “difficult situation” throughout a significant part of the Italian peninsula, with frost-damage recorded from Lombardy to Emilia Romagna and from Veneto to Puglia.

Temperatures as low as -6C (21.2F) were recorded in Emilia Romagna.

As reported by, the Coldiretti statement identified that apple, pear, peach, apricot, and almond trees had begun flowering, while cherry and plum trees were now also in bloom, and that these frosts have already destroyed many a harvest.

Massimo Franchini, a peach and apricot producer from Casal Fiumanese, reported as well that there is nothing left of his plantation. “I do not know how long it lasted, but enough to damage every single fruit.”

“I believe it will be difficult for producers to honor payments this year, as we will have no income,” he stated.

The Coldiretti report continued, adding that the damage is also seen in artichoke to asparagus fields, from beets to chicory, and also to peas.

Furthermore, the group also warned that a brief spell of early warm weather “deceived” some 50 billion bees into emerging from their hives, bees that are now at serious risk of heavy losses.


In Poland, frost also struck hard driving the mercury to as low as -10C (14F) in Marians, highly unusual for the region for the time of year.

After preliminary inspections by advisors from Agrosimex –a major plant protection company– many cherry buds have been damaged, though the extent largely depends on the variety.

The cold weather is expected to continue here, too.

And finally, Ukraine’s strawberries have reportedly seen widespread damage, too.

The cold times are returning, winter is encroaching ever-further into Spring, in line with historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow.

Even NASA agrees, in part at least, with their forecast for this upcoming solar cycle (25) revealing it will be “the weakest of the past 200 years,” with the agency correlating previous solar shutdowns to prolonged periods of global cooling here.

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