Saturday 19 June 2021



The weather models suggested it earlier in the week, and now they have only gained in confidence: record-breaking cold is inbound for much of the North American continent starting Sunday.

The MSM may be milking the West’s heat for all it’s worth, but they’re about to have some serious explaining to do as a powerful, wide-reaching Arctic outbreak looks set to blast much of the CONUS with record-setting cold.

Looking at the latest GFS run (shown below), an extensive mass of unusually frigid air will descend from northern Alberta in Canada all the way down to the southern U.S. states of Texas and Oklahoma.

The outbreak will begin on Sunday, June 20 –the first day of summer in the northern hemisphere– and will have taken hold by the time Monday, June 21 rolls around:

GFS 2m Temperature Anomalies (C) for June 21 [].

GFS 2m Temperature Anomalies (C) for June 21 [].

The heat in the west looks set to persist, but it will be confined to the coastal states.

This goes against mainstream media obfuscation, which would have you believe that the ENTIRE United States is currently suffering a hellish ordeal of fire and brimstone.

The highs are no doubt intense, for some, but clearly visualized above –and for all WP, NYT and CNN reporters to see– is that the vast-majority of the North American continent will soon be engulfed by anomalous COLD, not heat.

This cold will actually intensify from Monday, too, and will have invaded more and more eastern states as the week progresses.

Below is the picture for Tuesday evening:

GFS 2m Temperature Anomalies (C) for June 22 [].

And here is Wednesday:

GFS 2m Temperature Anomalies (C) for June 23 [].

Temperature departures of as much 16C below the season norm will be suffered by tens (potentially hundreds) of millions of Americans as the Arctic trough descends — this will likely see a host of low temperature records toppled, at the start of meteorological summer, too.

In addition, that lingering heat in the west is actually serving as further evidence of a low solar activity-induced waning of the jet streams.

The Sun appears to be slipping into its next Grand Solar Minimum cycle — a multidecadal spell of reduced solar output where the solar disc can be devoid of sunspots for months or even years at a time.

The result on Earth’s climate will be one of violent swings between extremes.

Intense bursts of heat will linger in one area while a teeth-chattering chill will dominate nearby, and then the regions will “switch” — it is this unpredictable chopping and changing that will hasten the failure of our modern food production systems. Crops will fail, on a large scale, and famine will likely ensue.

Overall, Earth’s temperature trends colder during a Grand Solar Minimum (GSM), as the Sun’s output sinks lower and lower (increasing cloud nucleation being one key forcing); however, not ALL regions experience the chill.

As with the previous GSM (the Maunder Minimum, 1645-1715), areas such as the Arctic, Alaska, and southern Greenland/the North Atlantic actually warm during bouts of otherwise “global” cooling.

NASA reveals this phenomenon in their Maunder Minimum temperature reconstruction map:

Back to next week’s polar outbreak in North America, the late-June sun will keep temperatures from dropping below freezing for the majority, thankfully; however, below-freezing lows are forecast for the higher elevations of states such as Wyoming and Montana where even pockets of rare accumulating summer snow could be on the cards.

And then, looking further ahead still, additional pockets of Arctic air look set to infect much of the CONUS the following week, beginning Monday, June 28:

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