Sunday 26 June 2022

Chuck's photo corner to June 26, 2022

Pics taken in the last couple of days around the yard.

last night's campfire


outside the bedroom window

purple cone flower , the first of many to come


not sure of the real name, I got them as 'gold drop'

These celantro grew way better this year, from what I planted there last year.


a rose flower

pleasant chomomile for tea , it's time to collect the first batch of flower.

a mini rose planted last yr.

the last garden planting, with thanks to Rachelle for helping to finish it off

potted sedoms

freshly painted horse shoes, for playing games

looking west from the back yard

The catalpa tree is in flower yea.

the apples are coming

another look at the catalpa tree

hydranga at the street

varigated autumn joy sedum

the side yard along the street

the side yard looking towards the back, this was all lawn when I moved in 2000

cuttings from this spring

red pansies that I planted as seed still to flower, I bought the blue lobelia.

Enjoy this day

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