Tuesday 28 June 2022




Snow clearing crews at Glacier National Park have only just gotten through Logan’s Pass. And much to the chagrin of visitors, Going-to-the-Sun Road won’t be cleared anytime soon, even as the calendar approaches July.

Since records began, Going-to-the-Sun has experienced only five openings in the month of July: these were July 1, 2007 and July 2, 2008 (solar minimum of cycle 23), July 10, 1943 (solar min of cycle 17) , July 13, 2011 (the very start of the space-age-record-weak solar cycle 24), and July 15, 1933 (solar min of cycle 16)–that last one, however -July 15, 1933- was the date of the road’s official opening and so wasn’t necessarily due to a large snowpack.

Only three factors have ever delayed the iconic alpine highway’s opening later than the Fourth of July: World War II, a global pandemic, and a deep, lingering mountain snowpack. This year is suffering the latter, of course; and given the truly historic snowpack of 2022, the year has a shot at breaking the current record for the road’s latest opening — July 13 set back in 2011.

Having recently cleared five avalanche slides that buried the upper reaches of the Sun Road, snowplow crews are now making progress, but there’s still plenty of work to do before all 50 miles of the road can open to motorists, reports flatheadbeacon.com.

On June 24, Glacier Park officials announced that the Sun Road would not fully open before July 4:

“Unprecedented winter snows and late spring snowstorms slowed plowing progress on Going-to-the-Sun Road this spring,” reads a section of the post–an inconvenient reality for the AGW Party and their ‘EOTW heat induced apocalypse’ narrative.

Towering snowbanks of as high as 80 feet have proven laborious for the experienced clearing crews. And although progress is now finallyquickening, the unseasonably cold and snowy spring of 2022 has the team working the Continental Divide section a full month behind schedule–their progress slowed by 1) June’s lingering snowpack, 2) fresh snow accumulations measuring in the feet, and 3) frequent avalanches and rockslides.

Serving as further evidence of how so-called ‘climate experts’ can get it spectacularly wrong, let’s recall the predictions made by Montana’s National Park Service (NPS) back in the early 2000s.

For almost two decades the NPS warned the world that glaciers at Glacier National Park would be gone by the year 2020. They even went to the trouble of erecting signs across all of its visitor centers prophesying the 2020 doomsday date.

Embarrassingly for these spineless, bandwagon frauds, however, that deadline of doom uneventfully pass; and, laughably, the NPS sheepishly pulled all ‘2020 signs’ from its displays after the computer models it relied upon from the early 2000s –which foretold of unending glacial retreat– turned out to be woefully inaccurate.

The opposite is actually occurring.

In a supposedly catastrophically warming world Going-to-the-Sun-Road is about to witness its latest opening on record.

It is the Sun and the Sun alone that can impact Earth’s climate in any sustained and meaningful way.

Every great civilization of the past knew this and they acknowledged the Sun’s power, worshiping it as a God: the Egyptians called it “Ra”, the Minoans “Ariadne”, and the Romans “Sol”.

Today, we humans consider ourselves the most powerful entity in the solar system. Perhaps our recent technological advances and achievements have given rise to a sense of all-conquering self-confidence. But the Sun, as we call it, ended every one of those great civilizations of the past, and it will take down our modern one, too–and likely not in some raging fiery explosion but by a mere dimming of its energy colloquially known as The Grand Solar Minimum.

Don’t fall for the bogus political agendas perpetuated across the MSM. There is far more to behold than the obfuscating BS spewing from your TV.


Record winter snowfall and a cold spring at the ski hill in Banff National Park has the slopes reopening for summer.

“This is definitely the craziest amount of snow I’ve seen in my recollection,” said Kendra Scurfield, director of brand and communications. “I’ve never seen a season where we’ve had so much snow this late.”

“People are out-of-this-world excited for [the summer reopening],” added Scurfield. “A lot of them are like, ‘Is this a prank? Is this for real? Is this actually happening?’ I personally am like, what’s more Canadian than skiing on Canada Day?”

Scurfield continued: “Nine-hundred centimeters (30 feet) is one of our snowiest winters on record. The last time we had so much snow was actually in the 1956-57 ski and snowboard season. So it was a very, very snowy winter,” she said.

It’s the first time in more than three decades that the resort has opened this late in the ski season, and only the second time in the resort’s nearly 100 years of operation.

“The last time we did so was in 1991, after an incredibly snowy year just like this one,” concluded Scurfield.

Elsewhere in Canada, an anomalously cold lobe of air will swirl around Hudson Bay this week, one that is forecast to deliver summer snow to parts of Ontario.

Northern reaches of the province will also see the mercury plunge 15C below the seasonal norm.


Following yesterday’s -4.4C anomaly, temperatures across the Antarctic continent have cooled further today.

According to the Climate Change Institute at the University of Maine, today’s anomaly stands at an astonishing -5.1C below the 1979-2000 average (also worth noting is that the overall global temp stands at just 0.1C against that same multidecadal norm):


A proposal to temporarily reduce the volume of biofuels consumption in G7 countries has failed to gain traction, with the US and Canada said to be leading the opposition to the move.

Germany and the UK are reportedly pushing for a temporary relaxation of biofuels mandates. But the US and Canada have cited the recent spike in fossil fuel prices as the reason to refrain from introducing a waiver to biofuels mandates.

The choice, again, appears to be between ‘heating and eating’.

In a statement published late Sunday by Boris Johnson’s UK government, G7 leaders were urged to look at their demands on the use of land and biofuel globally: “The use of grain for biofuel is contributing to reduced availability and increased costs for human consumption. That is something the Prime Minister will be raising at the G7 today (Monday),” the statement said.

Reuters reported on June 23 that Germany and the UK would ask other G7 countries to consider reducing biofuels blending requirements in order to free up grains and vegetable oils amid fears of a global food crisis.

UK newspapers on June 24 reported comments from Boris Johnson that biofuels use should be moderated by 10% to free up the availability of grain for the world’s poorest countries.

However, and as is always the case, company revenue is being put before the needs of the people, and the U.S. will likely prevail in its drive to keep biofuel producers in operation.

Even amid a global food crisis, the biofuel waiver request has been met with disdain and frustration by large producers. The RTFA, the UK’s main biofuels lobby, said in statement that it has “no intention of curbing its ambition on renewable fuels, nor pulling back on E10 which was successfully and smoothly introduced in September 2021″–which translates as: We’re currently in a very profitable market. Don’t jeopardize our profits. We’re even willing to throw the hot-button that is ‘climate change’ into the mix.

Amusingly, though, the lobby also pointed out that the country’s bioethanol industry is also the single largest producer of food-grade carbon dioxide, which is essential for food preservation and distribution: “Lack of food-grade CO2 would trigger a food crisis in its own right,” the RTFA statement added.

But who’s really surprised by this gamesmanship?

As discussed in yesterday’s article, corporations rule the world, via lobbying.

The U.S. Agribusiness spent more than $150,000,000 on lobbying in 2021, via a total of 1,238 lobbyists–of which an uncomfortable 56% were former government employees.

The fact is that there is a very small circle of unelected power controlling our lives. Decisions are not made with the intention of improving the existence of the powerless masses, we are merely placated with empty promises and distracted by controversial, wedge-driving topics — such as gun laws and abortion rights.

The masses are idiots, basically, and they, the elite, know it.

The unnoticed monstrous wealth transfer during the most-recent ‘manufactured crisis’ –COVID-19– has shown how inattentive and easily led the majority are. Global Warming and the European War are the other key ‘catastrophes’ the elites are using to extract additional wealth and power from us. But how bad do things need to get before the masses awake from their manufactured psychosis? IS there even a limit?

Excess deaths reveal that COVID-19 was NOT a pandemic; while satellite temperature datasets show that the Earth is NO LONGER warming (see link below). Once these seismic pennies drop, I believe all hell could break lose. Unfortunately though, by then the elites may-well have a firm enough grip on us –via central bank digital currencies and a universal basic income, etc.– that anyone even contemplating stepping out of line is ‘stopped’ with just a click of a button–via a stripping of their benefits and their livelihood, and also by restricting their access to essentials.

Resist this authoritarian technocracy.

Don’t get riled up by the divisive topics TPTB continue to throw in front of your face; instead, concentrate and argue the points they routinely and keenly want resigned to the sidelines, such as a failing economy, crippling inflation, nonsensical climate pledges (while still buying oil from the Saudis) and nosediving living standards.

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