Sunday 24 July 2022

Chucks Sunday photo corner to July 24, 2022

Most pics today are taken up Rachelles way in the Laurentian mountains.
I took all the pics but one, just yesterday and today.  It seems the machine has insisted in posting them in reverse chronological order, so time wise the sequence starts at the bottom of the page.

love this colour combo


Queen Annes Lace, always a dark spot in the centre.

catnip / nepata catair

looking towards the barnyard this morning

lots of these bees about this morning

daylillies off the front deck

The ferry ride across the Ottawa river

the drive home

the top of Rachelle's house number sign rock

St. Johns Wort

a healthy population of these guys but not enough 

brocolli begins

so flavourfull compared to ...

tomatoes coming along

Rachelle's garden and more of it on the right of the photo


The cloths line we put up this spring.  The drier hasn't been used since.

Enjoy the day 

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