Tuesday 26 July 2022




As reported by cgtn.com, an unusual freeze and rare, heavy summer snow has swept China’s Northwest provinces.

Inches of unseasonal snow have coated the mountainous regions of Gansu, as well as the neighboring province of Qinghai.

As the CGTN reporter notes in the video below, while snow is by no means unprecedented across these regions, known to fall even as late as May and June, to see “widespread, heavy snowfall during the hottest days of summer is rare”


The Southern Hemisphere has experienced a stark cool down in recent months, with Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai’s record-high mesospheric eruption of Jan 15 believed to be a key contributing factor (more on that HERE).

With record lows and historic snows sweeping Australia, portions of Southern Africa and swathes of South America of late, it is now South Africa’s turn for a persistent blast of anomalously-cold Antarctic air.

Heavy snow this week has turned eastern parts of Lesotho and the Eastern Cape into a winter wonderland, reports news24.com.

Snow at Semonkong Lodge in Lesotho.

The SA Weather Service (SWAS) said inches of snow was evident over the eastern parts of Lesotho as well as the southern Drakensberg.

In expectation of these flurries, SAWS issued a yellow level 1 warning for disruptive snow for the southern Drakensberg.

The office also issued a snow advisory for other high-lying areas over the Eastern Cape.

‘We’ve a had a generous output of snowfall this winter, and the white stuff isn’t done with us yet,’ reads a July 25 thesouthafrican.comarticle, which goes on warn that another icy blast is set to hit threeSouth African provinces later this week.

A snow-capped SA mountain, which thesouthafrican.com says is becoming “a familiar sight this winter”.

This season looks set to continue the colder and snowier trend building in South Africa in recent years, with 2022 following the truly historic season of 2021 when the nation saw the slaying of all-time cold record after all-time cold record:


In a recent article, the BBC asks if ‘European heatwaves are linked to climate change?’ And, despite the use of emotive images of burning buildings and deep red fire risk maps, they get a definite answer: no, the overall trend is actually down.

With almost 1,370 sq miles of land recorded as burnt (as of 16 July) this is a higher-than-average fire season across Europe, particularly across Spain and France.

“There are basically three important ingredients for fires: high temperatures, dryness, and high wind,” says Dr Friederike Otto, a senior lecturer in climate science at Imperial College London — and Spain and France have seen all three in recent weeks.

However, according to the experts, this fire season is actually something of an outlier.

“We’ve actually seen a decline in the area burned by fires in the Mediterranean and across Europe more widely over the last couple of decades, in a way that doesn’t marry up with the rapidly changing risk of fires,” said Dr Matthew Jones, a climate scientist at the University of East Anglia–who himself, it seems, has also been duped by the propaganda. A look at the data with an objective eye shows that it doesn’t ‘marry up’ because there isn’t a correlation, yet alone a causation, to be wed.

But the BBC, true to their unobjective form, go on to purposely muddy the waters, calling it a ‘complex picture’ and adding that it isn’t known why European heatwaves are on the decline despite the increasing ‘existential risk’ posed by ‘global warming’.

This data is clearly a setback to the dogmatic agency’s 20-year fear campaign, during which they have gradually ratcheted-up and pushed an ‘EOTW Climate Crisis’ narrative onto an ever disconnected, anxious and lonely populous who are all-too susceptible to a ‘unifying group cause’ (this is how mass formation prevails)–of which increasing wildfires are supposed to be a key component.

But as revealed by the data, the reality simply isn’t serving the agenda.

And we see the same thing across the pond, too–only it’s even more pronounced in the U.S., and even shadier, to boot.

It, like Europe’s, also shows a declining trend.

But there’s more.

The Biden administration recently scrubbed all wildfire data prior to 1983.

This was done because fire burn acreage was found to be much higher between 1910-1960 than it is today and therefore contradicted the government’s AGW/wildfire correlation — the actual data destroyed their ‘climate emergency’ narrative, and so the administration, in typically Orwellian fashion, wiped it from the history books citing the lackluster reasoning: “it wasn’t official”–linked here.

Moreover, and rather conveniently, the year 1983 –the new starting point– just so happens to have the lowest burn acreage in recorded history:

The National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC)

In reality, though –where I’m keen to reside– there is no correlation between to be found between anthropogenic global warming and wildfires.

U.S. burn acreage is actually down 90% since CO2 was at pre-industrial levels, but the Biden administration recently deleted this document, too:


While parts of Western Europe have been baking in recent weeks, Eastern Europe has been suffering unusual summer cold — both climatic phenomena are negatively impacting official crop yield estimates, which have just seen yet another reduction.

The EU’s crop monitoring service has substantially reduced its expectations for the bloc’s 2022 spring crops, amid continued drier-than-usual conditions across large parts of the continent, reads a recent AgriCensus report.

The July report published by Monitoring Agriculture Resources (MARS) showed that hot temperatures continued to have an adverse impact across the region’s key growing regions, while persistent chills east of Germany are causing its own set of headaches.

At an EU level, 2022 yield forecasts for corn, sunflowers, and soybeans are expected to reduce by 8 to 9%, below the 5-year average, continues the AgriCensus report. Negative impacts on the yield potential of spring crops are most pronounced across large parts of Spain, southern France, central and northern Italy, and central Germany–due to drought; and northern Romania, eastern Hungary, and the Ukraine–due to an unusually cold start to summer.

Many Western European reservoirs are now at a very low levels, and irrigation restrictions are now in place, with French farmers, for example, contending with an imposed 50% reduction in water usage, which will have further knock-on effects to yield as the growing season progresses.

The report noted that there is little that can be now done to reverse the impact.

Below are the updated yield forecasts as of late-July 2022:

The picture is similar in the states, too, where a myriad of issues, including delayed planting thanks to a historically cold and wet spring, as well as crippling input shortages, seriously hindered yields before a single seed even made it into the ground.

Texas grain acres, for example, “are not looking promising,” according to Mark Welch, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension grain economist in the Department of Agricultural Economics, who adds that this could impact supplies and prices in both the short and long-term.

Texas is facing much lower grain production in 2022 compared to the previous year–a depressing reality that is being echoed across much of the country. Wheat yields were abysmal for much of the Lone Star State, continued Welch, with corn and sorghum projections fairing similarly poorly.

“Cash prices for feed-grade grain in Texas are still at a premium,” he said. “We’re still living on supplies, and harvests in southern parts of the state are trickling in, but yields are below average.”

Many producers in regions where corn and sorghum plants are still progressing were reporting poor crop conditions, with some reports of fields being salvaged as forage for cattle.

“It’s just going to be a tough year for producers to find a profit,” said Welch.

“Grain prices are relatively high, but input costs for everything from fuel to fertilizer are high too. Producers need every penny.”

There is a perfect storm brewing within the global food supply chain, and success stories are few and far between.

Even Russia’s recently agreed upon accord which allowed the export of Ukrainian grains out of the Black Sea appears to have failed, following Moscow’s reported missile attack on the port of Odesa over the weekend.

I’m expecting all of these chickens to come home to roost as early as September/October this year, as the harvest season concludes. These global shortages, and the running down of the whatever reserves nations’ have left, combined with the coming energy shortages, particularly in Europe, could make for a truly troublesome Northern Hemisphere winter.

Make hay while the sun shines; prepare for the worst, hope for the best–and other such clichés.

It’s now late July, and while myself and my family are busy harvesting and enjoying our abundant summer crops here on our Portuguese homestead, attention has already turned to autumn/winter. And this week, we’re sowing thousands of brassica and other cool weather heirloom vegetable seeds in preparation for the grocery stores shelves running dry.

I suggest those in the NH do the same.

Don’t rely on corrupt, backwards-thinking governments to come to your rescue when the SHTF.

Rely on you.

Rely on your local community — build relationships, now.

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