Sunday, 18 September 2022

Chuck's picture corner the summer ends.

The first doz. pics are taken in Cardinal, the rest are taken in Rachelle's back yard, in the Laurentian mountains, or sticks ville as some like to call the wilderness that most of Canada is.

one of Rachelle's garden tomatoes

some of the pepper varieties from the garden

a gift from an old friend 'dahlias' from a long history of her family's garden, the bulbs/potatoes will have to be dug and stored in the warm for the winter.

on the other side of the driveway entrance.

garlic chives in flower

the middle of the back yard

a pair of mourning doves taking a break in the tree outside my bedroom window

crossing over

our walk in the forest, Rachelles back yard

one of several tree's blown over in this summers storms

doggy stop on the way back to Cardinal

Just the burger left to add to my last batch of chili

Recommend this post 
and enjoy 
your last Sunday of Summer 2022

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