Wednesday, 4 January 2023



The Version 6.0 global average lower tropospheric temperature reading for December 2022 has come in at 0.05 deg. C vs the multidecadal average.

Despite the ever-loudening cries of ‘catastrophic Earthly hotty-hot’ and the increasingly-draconian policy decisions that accompany them, this is the third sharp global temperature drop in as many months; drops that continue the overall downward trend observed since 2016’s peak (now down approx. 0.66C deg. C from then).

In simpler terms, it’s get harder and harder for the establishment’s anti-human narrative to be maintained.

A continuation of Earth’s cooling trend is highly probable over the coming months –with the odd bump along the way: climate is cyclic, after all– as low solar activity, La Nina, and the aftereffects of Hunga Tonga’s record-setting mesospheric eruption continue to have an infinitely-larger influence over our climate than a natural byproduct of human existence (see how that works).

According to the 15x NASA/NOAA AMSU satellites that measure every square inch of the lower troposphere (where life resides), planet Earth cooled drastically during the fourth quarter of 2022: from 0.32C above the multidecadal baseline in October, to 0.17C in November, to now just 0.05C in December.

Again, to simplify this for your average spoon-fed alarmist, Earth was warmer back in the late-1980s:

The various regional departures from the 30-year average are tabled below (scroll down to Dec 2022 in bold):

Note that four of the six individual regions held cooler than the average last month: the Southern Hemisphere (-0.03C), the Tropics (-0.35C), the USA (-0.21C) and Australia (-0.38C).

Note also that the Arctic saw a reading of 0.80C above the average in Dec 2022, which, paradoxically, is actually expected during prolonged spells of low solar activity. As visualized below in NASA’s ‘Maunder Minimum Reconstruction Map’, areas such as the Arctic, Alaska and the North Atlantic actually warm during bouts of otherwise ‘global’ cooling:

Temp change between 1780 (a year of normal solar activity) and 1680 (a year within the depths of the Maunder Minimum) — NASA.

Discard establishment statements and data-collations for they are agenda-driven and, unlike the UAH, are subject to obvious tampering, discrepancies and obfuscations — such as the ignored Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect.

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