Sunday, 2 April 2023

Chuck's Sunday photo corner to April 1, 2023

Photo's from mountains of Quebec

Sunset the beginning of Spring.

snow cover in Cardinal the day we head north

(all dates are wrong) The first days of spring at Rachelles last couple of days in March.

We have vacumed hundreds of love (lady) bugs that invade this time of year, same in Cardinal

While they are invisable to the camera there be wild turkey tracks in the snow heading to the bird feeders in the back.

The view out the solarium, which is feet off the ground.

The back deck

seeds soon to be started

and this years gardens begins, 3 sweet and 3 hot peppers

doggie was out chasing squirells

and now a warm shower

more fresh snow

and now the tomatoe's are in along with some cabbage family

It will be a couple of weeks before more seed needs planting

Recommend this post and 
enjoy your Sunday

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