Monday, 29 May 2023


MAY 29, 2023 CAP ALLON


The Final Warning: NOAA's Latest Data on Rising Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Despite official BoM proclamations to the contrary, Australia is enduring an anomalously-cold autumn.

This isn’t a new pattern either (i.e. government agency warm-mongering vs a cold reality); rather, it is one that has played out for more than a decade now, with the disparity appearing to exponentially widen during the past two-or-so years in particular.

This weekend delivered Australia more record low temperatures for the month of May, most notably to East parts.

The fallen Queensland benchmarks include Camooweal’s 1.7C, breaking the previous May low in books dating back to 1939; Maryborough’s 1.9C, coldest May reading going back to 1957; Bankstown’s 0.7C; Tamworth’s -4.8C; -Lake Grace’s -0.7C; Williamson’s 3.5C; and Hughenden’s 1.4C.

As mentioned at above, this goes against Bureau of Meteorology predictions, which called for a hot autumn of 2023.

Reality, however–where I choose to reside–continues to deliver the exact opposite, like an ‘Inverse BoM’.

Much of Australia posted their coolest summers in decades, following what were also colder-than-average springs and winters. The likes of Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra and Brisbane were among the key metropolises to endure cooler-than-average summers with the latter also suffering its coldest-ever winter in 2022.

–And ALL of this despite 1) the BoM’s ignoring of the well-established UHI-effect, and 2) their overhaul of the country’s weather stations, replacing all mercury thermometers with new ‘0.7C warmer’ electronic probes:

The snow is holding on, too:


Heavy out-of-season snow has resulted in at least 11 deaths in the Astrore’s district of northern Pakistan.

Local media reports say that at least 11 nomads were killed on Saturday with several other still missing after a powerful snow-slip engulfed them near Shunter Pass of the Astore district of Gilgit Baltistan.


Great swathes of the U.S., particularly the East have been enduring something of a return to winter of late.

Over the weekend, Savannah, Georgia was among the coldest sea level locales in all of the Lower 48.

On Saturday, the coastal Georgia city reached a daily maximum of just 61F — astonishing for May. Only in 1913 and 1934 were colder temperatures posted after today’s date May 27 (June 10/11 and May 28, respectively).

Also worth noting, that 61F was registered between midnight and 2 am — the ‘daily’ high reached just 57F.

It’s also been exceptionally frigid across the Northeast in recent weeks where unprecedented frosts have been wiping out the region’s Orchards and Vineyards.

It’s been so cold, in fact, that even the U.S. Senate has called on the USDA to issue a ‘crop disaster declaration’ in order to provide emergency relief to those Northeast farms devastated by the freeze, which amounts to thousands of acres.

“New York’s agricultural industry is essential to the economy and well-being of our state,” commented U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand on understanding that some NY vineyards have been completely wiped out by the cold, suffering a 100% loss.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer also chimed in, “From the Rochester-Finger Lakes to the Capital Region, Southern Tier, and the Hudson Valley, New York’s vineyards and orchards are the beating heart of our agricultural and tourism economy, but [the recent] frost has risked freezing the future for many of these family-owned businesses. With apple and grape buds hit by extraordinarily low temperatures in May, the crop losses that farmers across the state are now seeing will have detrimental effects throughout the year,” Schumer said in a news release.

“That is why I am calling on the U.S. Department of Agriculture to stand ready in two key ways: first, by ensuring that direct reimbursements go out quickly to eligible growers with tree and vine damage through the Tree Assistance Program; and second, by preparing all resources and to be ready, if requested, to approve a disaster declaration and assist farmers and growers in the process of reporting losses and damages. We can’t let New York’s beautiful orchards and renowned wine country be frozen over, and the USDA must do everything in their power to provide swift relief to our hardworking growers,” Schumer noted.

“We can’t let New York’s beautiful orchards and renowned wine country be frozen over…”

Must be more gLoBaL wArMiNg?


Speaking of propagandized DoubleThink, Europe is a hotbed of contradictory nonsense right now.

“What a change in Spain,” reads local media outlets:

This rather flies in the face of what MSM articles were spewing fewer than two weeks ago.

‘Southern Europe is bracing for a summer of ferocious drought,’ read a Reuters article dated May 17. “The situation of drought is going to worsen this summer,” said Jorge Olcina, professor of geographic analysis at the University of Alicante.

There’s little chance at this point of rainfall resolving the underlying drought, continued Olcina: “At this time of the year, the only thing we can have are punctual and local storms, which are not going to solve the rainfall deficit.”

Suffice it to say, Southern Europe –or any part of Europe for that matter– is not in drought, and is not expected to enter drought anytime soon. The MSM are at it again, feeding the public another dose of agenda-driving, CO2-demonizing codswallop.

In reality, the likes of Portugal, Spain, southern France and Italy have been inundated with persistent rains since Olcina made those comments. And looking ahead, much more of the same is on the cards:

But the AGW Party can’t let a good crisis go to waste, even if leaping upon it does contradict their previous position.

“Flooding rains that killed at least 15 people when they slammed into the fertile and industrious heartland of northeastern Italy in mid-May were at least partly fueled by global warming,” reads a recent ‘crayon-by-numbers’ article on, “and scientists say they fit the trend of intensifying extremes on both the wet and dry sides of the global water cycle.”

The nonsense continues: “The Mediterranean region is particularly strongly affected by increasing drought conditions … But this is not inconsistent with an increase in heavy precipitation as well … Even while cleaning out waist-deep mud after the Emilia-Romagna floods, it’s time to start thinking about finding more durable, more sustainable ways of using water in the long-term.”

“Heavy precipitation events will keep on becoming more intense with increasing fossil fuel use and CO2 emissions … For this reason, bringing emissions to zero is absolutely essential to stabilize the climate conditions.”

I don’t have the energy to fully dissect the garbage-filled musings of another locked-in alarmist — you read it for yourself here.

Suffice it to say however the flip-flopping of weather extremes ICN author Bob Berwyn blindly attributes to human prosperity–those swings between extremes–are far better explained by the historically low solar activity we’ve been receiving and its proven impact on the jet stream:

I’ll conclude by listing just a handful of the publicly disclosed financial backers of Inside Climate News (ICN):

Clif Family Foundation

Educational Foundation of America

Ford Foundation

Fund for Investigative Journalism

The Heinz Endowments

Hollywood Foreign Press Association

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation

New Hampshire Charitable Foundation

New York Community Trust

Rhode Island Foundation

Robert Rauschenberg Foundation

Rockefeller Brothers Fund

Rockefeller Family Fund

Scripps Howard Foundation

Silicon Valley Community Foundation

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