Friday 29 December 2023

Chuck's pictures, Life, n Art/designs.

More pics from around town in Lo de Marcos

A Christmas eve full moon.

something to watch out for in the yard

The start of our garden, one of 14 new hot peppers, more stuff along the way.

a few houses down the street

a visitor in the bathroom one night

swarming along the street

outside the butchers

along the back walk to the beech

This tree is just huge

grazing along the river bank

at the trailer park pool where many Canadians stay

at the tp entrance one of a pair

looking deep into the water.
Qualities of light the reflection ( and shadow) at the top of the pic. to the waters suface, to the leaf below.


The lonley Ford

Humpty dumpty

Whales while sitting at the beech side restaurant drinking the free beer Hector the tourist from Mexico city gave us.  There were at least 4 in the pod.

One of the whales spouting.

There were a school of fish at the beech the pelacans

even this stork was interested.

Enjoy this post and follow
The Life of Earth

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