Saturday 23 December 2023

More phpto,s from Mexico

A little more focus on local/historical art today

We stuck our nose in on this posh place to stay

Their dining.

of corse accompanied by half nude water carrier statues

The pavers to the steps at this posh place.

a little street colour

a seller on the street next to the town sq.

a native old world art gallery

the drain over the roof

peeking through the front door

another pic through the glass of the front door.

working on our tans at the beech
( a local ball player)

the welcoming painting to the beechfront restaurant

crystal pendants sold on a outdoor table at the end of the road to the beech

More stone necklaces at the beechfront.

My next group of pics will cover more of the courser side of town.

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The Life of Earth

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