Monday 29 January 2024

Chuck's picture corner Jan. 29, 2024 😎🌞🐓

Still no fashion corner, more pics from around town the last week or so.

siesta time


the back yard from the main house

along the creek

Todd playing on our first open mike night, our one house over vacationer friend

the full moon open mike night the beginning of our pub crawl

one of my favorite plants as a youth, Mexican hat plant

a impression on the back road

the fish are in and the pelicans are diving

just down our street while walking to the cafe

a couple of players at our second open mike night a couple of block over

Todd again with Mari his wife in the forground with her back to us.

on main street, in front of the grocery store.

These guys flash a lot of yellow as they fly up, which is hidden when landed.

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The Life of Earth

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