Sunday, 30 June 2024

Chuck's picture corner June 30, 2024 πŸ’πŸ“πŸΈ⛆☔🌞

A colourfull week but a cool wet one.  

We stopped by the locks in Iriquois before grocery shopping this week. These are osprey.

Dad showed up with no food to check on the nest before flying off again.

The day lillies have opened, these are the common ones

they only flower for a short time, on tall stems

These are used in parking areas and have a very long flowering period.

These wild asters usualy flower at the end of summer, They were the only ones blooming

I spent years trying to find these red bee balm, and now they are so popular.  The leaves make a great Earl Gray type tea.

a bbee working hard

The black raspberries are just starting, they grow wild 

Queen Anne's lace a common weed

stopping for road side relief on my way north

a picture from Rachelle this morning showing how the ants are dealing with all this rain.

Enjoy the day, Cheers n chuckles

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