Sunday 28 July 2024

Chuck's picture corner to July 28, 2024

It's been a bit of a roofing, and lots of care giving kinda week.

This morning on the front porch

off the deck

these grow poorly this year as it's too wet for them but the humming bird likes them

so while I was standing there this hummer came to visit

another one of the hummers favorites

purple cone flower, or Echinacea 

the end of the daylilies

phlox , these perennials are about 2' tall

back yard from the lower roof we reshingled this week.

looking a little more north west, the barn

we did this roof the same colour as the old tool shed roof, changing it from black

the street end of the drive way

my street number post, and the frame for the old 'handyman' sign.

the front street corner of my place

These, 'potato' like dahlia bulbs come in each winter.

Enjoy your day         


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