Sunday, 2 May 2021

Chuck's photo corner last 2 weeks of April 2021

All pics taken by Chuck in Cardinal (on the St. Lawrence river Canadian side) and are in chronological order .

Spring sky, these nut trees are the last to grow in the spring, and the first to drop leaves in the fall.

I need a heated green house.  This is a window in the house, facing SE.

a west window in the house. some peppers and tomatoes

Trying to grow a little colour with these fancy annuals 'painted daisies'
The squirrels like to plant tulips around the yard.  This group spontaneously started a couple of years ago now.

I took this picture to show the rich colour of the spring lawn.

Centered in this pic is stinging nettle.  It grows like crazy around here.

These plumb trees are native and not very tasty. The two fancy plumbs I had (one variety of plum grafted onto a more cold tolerant root from another variety of fruit tree) were very tasty but died after a couple of years.

April 30 snow accumulation, one of the plums flowering.  The apple tree hasn't started yet.

Two of my neighbour crows that I feed fat scraps and dead mice to.  It was quite ritualistic to watch as it looked like the male crow was offering first choice to the female crow, and she was a little hesitant to just dig in.  Of course there was a third crow atop the highest tree in the yard, on lookout.

Violets in the lawn

Thank goodness the current bush wasn't too bothered with the snow on it's feet.

A lonely tulip showing up in a day lilly patch. I've only seen one tulip open so far this year, they are waiting for a warmer day.  Word is the big city 50km north of me the tulips have already opened.  No heat island there eh.

For some reason the Christmas cactus has decided to bloom out of season.

My indoor plants waiting to play outside.

Pictures around the yard are my way of getting climate information.  Plants don't lie (yet). 

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